Labour Hospital Bag Checklist

Your antenatal classes have nearly finished and your due date is fast approaching. Reality sets in. You are having a baby! It's time therefore to get organised and pack your labour bag!

Most new mums like to have their labour bag all ready to go from about the time they are 36 weeks pregnant. You may feel this is too early but believe me it is best to be ready. Sometimes babies do come early or you may have to go into hospital unexpectedly.

So what are you required to bring to the hospital? You will ideally need to pack two bags: one for labour and one for your new baby. See the checklist below which will help you remember to pack everything you need.

Pre- Labour For You

An old nightie or oversized t-shirt for labour. This will get messy and will probably end up in the bin after you've given birth so there's no point splashing out on anything new!

Dressing Gown - it's probably best to choose a lightweight one as hospitals tend to be warm. This may be needed whilst you are in labour and post-birth on the ward.

Slippers and Socks - to keep your feet warm

Tens Machine - if you have chosen to use one

Birth Plan - if you have chosen to write one Music, Books, Magazines - for relaxation purposes and to help pass time.

Snack and Drinks - energy drinks are good to keep up your stamina.

Toiletries - needed pre and post labour.

Pre-Labour for Your Partner

Watch - to time the contractions.

Snacks and Drinks - labour may be long and you will need to keep your energy up for your partner.

Massage oil, water spray - if you have decided to use these during labour.

Digital camera - to capture your baby's first moments!

Contacts for family and friends - you'll be so excited to share your happy news!

Change of clothes.

Post-Labour For You

Disposable Knickers - these are invaluable after you have given birth!

Maternity Pads - bring at least 2 packs

Nursing Bras - 2 or 3 should be enough.

Pyjamas or Nightdress - to be worn post labour, again choose a lightweight option due to the temperature in the hospitals. Also, if you are planning to breastfeed choose a front opening design which will make it more comfortable for you and the baby.

Dressing Gown, Socks, Slippers


Music, Books, Magazines

Clothes to leave hospital - after giving birth you will still need oversized / maternity clothes so bring clothes which are loose fitting and will be comfortable for you.

Your Baby Bag:

Clothes - it's best to bring 4 or 5 sleepsuits for the baby for your stay in hospital.

Going Home Outfit - most parents like to dress their baby in a special going home outfit.

Nappies, Sudacream, cotton wool or wipes.

Hat, socks, booties & mittens.

Baby Blanket - to keep your baby warm in hospital and on the way home.

Infant car seat - required to take your baby home.