LOVE is the Real Thing!!

Love was designed by GOD for relationships between himself and his angels & humans, and between each other. You cannot "love" yourself...that is why masturbation, with all its fantasies, is is self-centered (which is the fallen sin condition that Eve & Adam caused)! When we are saved by the Holy Spirit, we become others-centered like GOD is, and He begins to re-create us from the inside out (unlike "religion" which tries to change people from the outside in...the core is still spiritually dead and is just a fake "veneer"). People use the soulish "masturbation" excuse that they have to "love themselves first before they can love others"....’self-love’….[they usually never get around to others, in their life]....and real love wasn't designed to do was only designed to be spent on others, like a water cycle! Real LOVE is what you do for ALL others that is in their highest or best interests, anytime, anywhere, selflessly (24/7)! C. S. Lewis wrote in MERE CHRISTIANITY that "it is better to forget about yourself altogether" and focus on all those you come in contact with, renouncing pride & self-centeredness, because we can easily be deceived by the enemy if we focus on ourselves....he writes "as long as you are looking down on others (putting yourself first), you will never see what is above you"! Christ said that the only law now is love! At least see to it that your neighbor (everyone) has it just as good as you do! 1 Corinthians 13:7 The real thing [love] applied never fails!!!

About the Author

Teacher: The Keeper of the Flame, and Lover