Organizing With Binders

You may have never thought of a binder as an organizational tool, but using binders for magazine and newspaper clippings, To Do items, and upcoming events and tasks can help conquer those monstrous piles of paper.

Newspaper and Magazines

If you find that you have a lot of magazines or papers that are not getting read, think about cutting back on your subscriptions. Set a rule with yourself that if an unread newspaper or magazines is so old, you will toss it out.

1. Cut out or tear out the articles you want to reference or read later. If you truly will need the entire magazine or newspaper section, consider purchasing magazine holders that are made to fit in a 3-ring binder that hold the magazine by the spine.

2. Toss out the magazines and newspapers.

3. Sort articles into piles by topic. Set aside ones you need to act on (visit a website, make a call, write down information).

4. Put articles in plastic page protectors. You may want to glue article clippings that are smaller than a page on a piece of white paper, before putting in a page protector.

5. Choose appropriately sized binders that work for you. Binders of the same color will look neater on a shelf, but using different colors makes it easier to pick out the one you are looking for. Think about how often you