Project: Glowing Goblins

Project: Glowing Goblins

 by: Rondi Hillstrom Davis and Janell Sewall Oakes

This project is perfect for the artistically challenged or those who prefer instant gratification. My young sons completed theirs in just 15 minutes.


Glass Votive (any size or shape)

Solid Black Halloween Stickers (bats, witches, ghosts, etc.)


Stencils, Stamps, and Black Acrylic Paint

Orange Tissue Paper, Torn Into Pieces

2 TBSP White Glue

2 TBSP Water

Craft Brush


1. Adhere stickers onto the outside of the votive –OR- If using stencils or stamps, paint heavily enough that no light shines through the shapes. Let dry completely.

2. Mix glue and water. Paint glue onto the outside of glass, on top of the stickers.

3. While the glue is wet, layer pieces of tissue paper and glue until the entire votive is covered and the tissue is saturated.

4. Turn the votive upside down to dry (a hairdryer speeds up the process).

5. Once dry, add a tea light and let the glow from these festive candles welcome the neighborhood spooks.

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