Speech Impediments

All children must learn how to speak... a given under normal circumstances. While not all children have problems developing their speech and linguistic fluency, some kids find pronunciation and language flow difficult. Repeating words, struggling to enunciate correctly and stuttering to be understood while a toddler is learning to talk is absolutely normal and might continue until a child has mastered speaking. This could be by age three, age five or older, depending on the child.

There is, to this day, no definite theory on true stuttering. Many psychologists and medical doctors feel the condition is neurological or physiological in nature. While this may be the case in most instances, a child’s speech impediments could be caused by insensitive and cruel treatment in childhood, specifically tormenting them about their natural developing speech patterns and struggle with learning pronunciation and complex words. It stands to reason that patience, gentle guidance and encouragement when children are attempting to communicate their first words is vital to their well-being and self-esteem.

While stuttering and stammering are part of learning to speak, some children do have a neurological or physiological predisposition to obvious stuttering and can be helped to overcome the sometimes debilitating effects of this condition. Parents who feel their child has a real stuttering problem would do well to find help for them as soon as possible. Early intervention and speech therapy has helped many children overcome their stuttering altogether or can help them manage the condition. There has been considerable progress in language development in recent years and extensive help is available for children and adults with various communication issues.

What experts have learned and agreed upon over the years is that positive reinforcement is still the best therapy for children with speech problems... yet another reason to treat your child with kindness and respect at all times.

About the Author

Rexanne Mancini is the mother of two daughters. She maintains an extensive yet informal parenting and family web site, Rexanne.com – http://www.rexanne.com -Visit her site for good advice, award-winning Internet holiday pages and some humor to help you cope. Subscribe to her free newsletter, Rexanne’s Web Review, for a monthly dose of Rexanne: http://www.rexanne.com/rwr-archives.html