Spring Cleaning For Today's Mom

It’s that time of year again! The sun is shining, the weather is warming up, and the flowers are beginning to bloom. Spring is in the air, and with that comes a tradition that we all know and love: spring cleaning.

For moms, the idea of spring cleaning can be overwhelming. You’re already juggling work schedules, school pickups, meal planning, and everything in between. But trust us, a little spring cleaning can go a long way in making your life easier and your home more comfortable.

So, grab your cleaning supplies, put on some music to pump you up, and let’s get started!

1. Declutter & Donate

The first step in any successful spring cleaning process is to declutter. It’s time to get rid of anything in your home that no longer serves a purpose. This means going through your closet, getting rid of old toys, and sifting through kitchen utensils that you never use.

As you’re decluttering, create three piles: donate, sell, and trash. Anything that’s still in good condition and can be used by someone else, put it in the donate pile. Even better, find a local charity to donate to or host a yard sale to earn a little extra cash.

Anything that’s damaged beyond repair or no longer serves a purpose should go in the trash pile. The sell pile can be used for items that are in good condition, but you no longer need or want. Sell items on eBay or Craigslist, or take them to a consignment shop.

2. Tackle the Tough Areas

Spring cleaning isn’t just about dusting and vacuuming the surfaces you can see. It’s about tackling those tough areas that you’ve been avoiding all winter. This includes cleaning out your fridge, oven, and microwave, wiping down baseboards, and scrubbing the grout in your bathroom.

Don’t forget about the areas that often get overlooked, like the tops of cabinets, behind furniture, and underneath appliances. These areas can collect dust and dirt over time, so make sure to give them a good cleaning.

3. Deep Clean the Carpets

Carpets can be a breeding ground for dust, dirt, and allergens. Springtime is the perfect opportunity to give them a deep clean. Invest in a good carpet cleaner or hire a professional to do it for you. You’ll be amazed at how much better your carpets will look and feel.

4. Refresh Your Linens

There’s nothing quite like fresh sheets and towels. Take the time to wash all of your linens, including bedding, towels, and curtains. You can even switch out your winter bedding for lighter options to help your home feel more seasonally appropriate.

5. Clean Your Windows

As the sun starts to shine brighter, you want to be able to enjoy it fully. Spring cleaning is the perfect time to give your windows a good cleaning, both inside and out. You can use a commercial window cleaner or make your own using a solution of vinegar and water.

6. Get Organized

Once you’ve decluttered your home, it’s time to get organized. Invest in some storage containers or shelving to keep your belongings in place. This is especially important in areas like your pantry or closet, where it can be easy for things to get messy.

7. Focus on High-Touch Areas

High-touch areas are the places in your home that are most frequently used and touched by multiple people. These include doorknobs, light switches, and remotes. Take the time to disinfect these areas to help keep your family healthy.

8. Make a Cleaning Schedule

Spring cleaning can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Make a cleaning schedule and tackle one task at a time. This will help you to stay organized and avoid feeling like you have to do everything at once.

9. Keep It Up

Spring cleaning isn’t a one-time event, it’s something that you should be doing throughout the year. Make it a habit to declutter and clean high-touch areas regularly. This will help you to keep your home in good condition and avoid feeling overwhelmed in the future.

10. Reward Yourself

Finally, don’t forget to reward yourself for a job well done! Treat yourself to something you love, like a special dinner or a new outfit. You’ve earned it!

Spring cleaning can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these tips, you can break it down into manageable steps and create a clean and comfortable home for you and your family. Good luck and happy cleaning!