Sugarless Peach Crisp

Sugarless Peach Crisp
by Joyce Moseley Pierce - 452 words

From time to time I realize that I am
out of control with refined sugar and decide
it's time to give it up. My first experience
with being sugarless was about 15 years ago.
I worked with a woman who was considering what
she might give up for Lent. I liked the idea
of sacrificing something and even though I wasn't
Catholic, I decided to give up sugar. I went as
far as reading every label and eliminating
anything with "sugar" or any of its other names
on the label. I also gave up anything with
artificial sweeteners - they're even more
questionable than the real thing! Six weeks
later, I was amazed to find that I had lost 8 pounds.

I've tried giving it up several times over
the years but have just never been successful.
Until now. Two months into the program, I have
lost about 6 pounds even though weight loss
wasn't my purpose in giving it up. I wanted to see
if I would have more energy if I could avoid those
highs and lows caused by sugar. A great book
on the subject is "Sugar Blues" by William F. Duffy.
If you're really interested in trying this for
yourself, it's a great book that I've read and
referred to many times in the past 20 years.

This time I bought Juicy Juice (TM) or other
sugarless drinks to help fill the void. In the
afternoon when I felt tired or deprived, I would
fill a glass with a few ounces of juice
and it was enough to raise my blood sugar and
give me a more gentle "high." Before long, I
realized I was going all day without even drinking
the juice. The sacrifice has definitely been
worth it. At times when I'm tempted, I remember
how sluggish I used to feel after a cookie or
ice cream cone, and I don't miss that irritated
feeling in my stomach at all.

Occasionally we have friends over for dinner and
I feel required to fix dessert to finish off the
meal. One of my favorites is peach crisp.

Peach Crisp

6 cups peaches - fresh or canned. I use the canned
peaches that have no added sugar. Usually the
sweetener is pear juice.
1/3 cups flour
1 cup oats
1 tsp cinnamon
1/3 cup melted butter

Put the peaches in a baking dish. Combine dry
ingredients and add the melted butter. Mix it all
up and distribute it over the top of the peaches.
Bake at 350 degrees until it's bubbly.

This recipe is great for dessert and if you're lucky
enough to have some left, it's a great breakfast.
For those who aren't trying to watch the sugar
intake, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream and watch
it melt.

About the Author

Joyce is a freelance writer and owner of Emerson Publications.
She is the creator of "All They'll Need to Know," a workbook
to help families record personal and financial information.
ISBN 0-9725726
She is also the editor of The Family First Newsletter, an
ezine for families with young children.