Teen Addiction to Cannabinols - Teenage Drug Abuse

Cannabinols is comprised of marijuana and other related drugs. All forms of the marijuana plant (Cannabis sativa) belong to the category of cannabinols. Dronabinol (Marinol) is one pharmacologic agent that also belongs to this group.

Teens who are addicted or intoxicated with substances composed of cannabinols experience euphoria, giddiness, a feeling of being mellow and relaxed, hunger, decreased social interactions, and problems pertaining to the proper tracking of time. Teen intoxication between hashish, leaf marijuana, and other cannabinols reveal varying influences.

When used properly and within the range of a doctor's prescription, cannabinols are great in producing a general feeling of wellness and relaxation. Clinically relevant withdrawal states occur only after an individual's intake of cannabinol in very large amounts (e.g., 20 or more marijuana cigarettes per day).

Marijuana is the cannabinol which has a lot of "nicknames" and these include Mary Jane, Pot, That, Grass, Joint, Brick, and Weed. Hashish also has street names to disguise it such as Hash, Rope and Ganja. As mentioned earlier, marijuana is derived from the leaves, stems, bud and seeds of the Marijuana plant. Hashish is typically sold in the form of a brown or black wax-like substance since is derived from the prepared sap of the marijuana plant.

Aside from drug peddlers who can be contacted through friends and other social contacts, teenagers can now discreetly purchase drugs such as marijuana and hashish through the internet. Online buying and selling of drugs is becoming more and more popular and alarming because it seems as if teenagers are provided with easy access and sale of drugs. Modern technology has already opened doors to new ways to sell hashish and marijuana to teens inconspicuously.

Oral administration and inhalation are two of the most common administration routes of cannabinols. Individuals who are under the influence of cannabinols (such as marijuana) may experience impaired concentration, performance, lapse in judgement and may even make a person lose touch with reality.