The Impact of Job Relocation Abroad

The driver held open the door as she stepped into the car, which would take them to family and friends waiting to celebrate the birth of their now 2 week old son. She looked back at the 19 century cottage they had owned for just 3 months, imagined her fledgling family growing there and sighed contentedly; settled with a family, her dreams were fulfilled. Her new husband turned to her and smiled "I have great news; the company is moving us to Switzerland"

Each relocation story is unique in its own measure of trials and tribulations; but having gotten over the shock of leaving family, friends and often even beloved family pets, would be expats tend to become extremely optimistic beings. As Tom who has been living in Zurich for two years sheepishly admits,

"It was as if we had the chance to start over. All the things we didn't do at home, we were going to do in this new country. We didn't go to the gym, and now we would go regularly, we would socialize, we would travel and see all manner of things, and of course as soon as we arrived, we would learn the language