Tinkling of Bells Helps Pet Avoid Accidents

If you listen carefully, you may hear bells ringing in the quiet suburban town of Simsbury, CT on a regular basis. That is, the sound of numerous family members being trained by their pooches.

This innovative product solves the communication gap between man and his best friend, his dog. Typically dogs are trained to signal when they need to go outside and do their business in a variety of ways such as barking, whining, scratching at the door or perhaps sitting and waiting. All of which can lead to frustration and accidents for the dog. Now, your dog can send a clear signal to your family when he needs to go out… train your dog to ring his poochie-bells when he needs to go out.

Referred to as “bell training”, this technique has be used for years by professional pet trainers and is highly effective. Poochie-Bells’s web site at www.poochiebells.com offers a wide variety of fashionable choices for you to build your poochie-bells as well as complete suggested training method. This cool looking device hangs on the inside doorknob of the door that your dog uses most frequently to exit the house. Your dog nudges the bells when he needs to go out and the rest is history…. At an inexpensive price, this product offers a high return for a minimal cost.

Poochie-Bells are rapidly spreading across the country as the web site gains visibility, trade shows are attended, and of course, as each pooch brags about how he trained his owner to understand what it means when those Poochie-Bells ring.

For more information, please contact Cheryl Pedersen by email at orders@poochie-bells.com or by phone at 860-712-5548. Visit our web site at www.poochiebells.com

About the Author

Cheryl Pedersen is the owner of Poochie-Pets LLC. For more information please visit http://www.poochiebells.com.