Trampolines Safety: 4 Guidelines Every Parent Should Follow

A lot of parents don't realize just how dangerous traditional trampolines can be, but in recent years, experts have been drawing some more attention to the problems presented by their design elements. In fact, studies show that over 100,000 children receive medical attention on an annual basis due to injuries they received while jumping on a trampoline. This doesn't necessarily mean, however, that they shouldn't use them at all.

After all, they also have many health benefits, and with a little awareness beforehand, almost all injuries can be prevented.

1 - Get the Right Model

The first thing you need to do is make the right purchase. First off, consider safety in design. Some of the most common issues are children flying off the trampoline, getting pinched by springs, hitting the frame, safety padding coming loose, and bottoming out. Even a dog walking underneath the surface can present a big danger. So talk to the salesman or manufacturer and ask them what they are doing to prevent these design problems.

2 - Don't Let Kids Jump Together

Rule number one