Wedding Vows

WELCOME: “Dear family and friends, we are gathered here today in the sight of God to celebrate the marriage of Chris and Christina.

“Holy matrimony is an honorable institution instituted by God, regulated by God’s commandments. It signifyies the mystical union that exists between Christ and his church.

“The marriage covenant should be entered into thoughtfully, advisedly, discreetly, reverently and in humility before God.

“Into this beautiful, joyous and holy relationship, Chris and Christina come now to be joined.”

PRESENTATION OF THE BRIDE: “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

Christina’s father: ‘Her mother and I.’

“Please be seated.”




VOWS: “Chris and Christina, do you agree that you are entering into this covenant of your own free will, not under compulsion, believing that God has called you to make this commitment?”

“We do.”

“Chris and Christina, do you promise to place your relationship with God and with each other in the highest esteem, seeking always to encourage and support each other in all circumstances?”

“We do.”

“Chris, will you take this woman to be your wife; to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you solemnly promise before God and these witnesses to love her, cherish her, comfort her, honor her and keep her in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others be faithful to her as long as you both live?”

“I do.”

“Christina, will you take this man to be your husband; to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you solemnly promise before God and these witnesses to love him, honor him, cherish him and keep him, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others for his sake, to cleave to him as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.”

Chris: “Christina, I take you to be my wife.

“I commit to seeking and knowing Jesus Christ more deeply, trusting that in doing so he will enable me to love you as he loved the church and gave himself as a sacrifice for it.

“Despite my sinful nature I commit to struggle against selfishness in order to serve you.

“I will strive to communicate with you, listen to you and encourage you as you grow as a woman, as an individual and as a follower of Jesus Christ.

“I trust our Lord for the grace and wisdom to nourish and cherish you, and I commit myself to being open to God’s work in my life through you.

“With joy today, Christina, I present myself to be your faithful and loyal husband, companion and co-laborer in serving our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Christina: “Chris, I take you to be my husband.

“I commit to seeking and knowing Jesus Christ more deeply, trusting that in doing so he will enable me to submit to you in all things.

“Because you are my spiritual head, I will honor and respect you, and continue to pray that the Lord will bless you with wisdom and strength in leadership.

“I commit myself to responding to you as my friend and lifelong mate.

“I have held in an open hand before the Lord my independence, my talents, my wants and my energies, and now I will strive to put your interests before my own.

“I trust the Lord for the grace and wisdom to walk alongside you wherever the Lord leads us.

“With joy today, Chris, I present myself to you, to be your faithful and loyal wife, companion and co-laborer in serving our Lord Jesus Christ.”

RING CEREMONY: “Chris, what token do you have to signify your vows to Christina?”

Chris: “With this ring, I wed you, Christina. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

“Christina, what token do you have to signify your vows to Chris?”

Christina: “With this ring, I wed you, Chris. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

        Honor Parents

PRONOUNCEMENT: “Inasmuch as Chris and Christina have consented to live together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and these witnesses, and have pledged the same by giving and receiving rings and by virtue of the power vested in me by the church of Jesus Christ, I pronounce you husband and wife together in the name of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit. What God has joined together, let no one separate.”

KISS: “Chris, you may kiss your bride!”

PRESENTATION: “It is my great pleasure to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Chris X.”