What Burglars Know that You Should Know

As an AI language model, I do not endorse any kind of criminal activity, including burglary. However, I can provide insights into the mindset and motivations of burglars and offer tips on how to protect your home from potential intruders.

Burglary is a crime that can cause a great deal of stress and financial loss to the victim. Not only do burglars steal valuable possessions, but they also invade your privacy and cause emotional trauma. To prevent burglaries, it is essential to understand what burglars know and how they operate.

Burglars Know Your Schedule

One of the key things burglars know is your schedule. They know when you leave for work, when you come back, and when you go on vacation. They pay attention to your habits and routines, which helps them determine the best time to break into your home.

To prevent burglaries, it's essential to create the impression that someone is always home, even when you're not. Use timers to turn on lights and TVs at different times throughout the day. Also, consider asking a trusted neighbor to pick up your mail and packages while you're away.

Burglars Know Your Weaknesses

Burglars are experts at identifying weaknesses in a home's security. They look for unlocked doors and windows or weak entry points such as a poorly secured garage door. They may also target homes with overgrown shrubs or poor lighting, as these conditions provide good cover for them to break in unnoticed.

To protect your home from burglars, it's essential to identify and address any vulnerabilities. Make sure all doors and windows are securely locked, and invest in a high-quality alarm system that includes motion sensors and surveillance cameras.

Burglars Know What to Look For

Burglars know what to look for when they break into a home. They search for valuable items such as electronics, jewelry, and cash. They also look for items that can be sold quickly, such as prescription drugs or firearms.

To prevent burglaries, it's essential to keep valuable items out of sight. Store jewelry and other valuables in a safe, and avoid displaying these items in common areas of your home where they can be easily seen from the outside.

Burglars Know Your Neighborhood

Burglars typically conduct surveillance on a neighborhood before breaking into a home. They look for homes that appear unoccupied or that have minimal security measures in place. They may also target neighborhoods with a high crime rate or homes that are located in secluded areas.

To prevent burglaries, it's essential to know your neighborhood and the crime rate in your area. Talk to your neighbors and get to know them; this can help create a sense of community and encourage everyone to look out for each other's safety. Also, consider installing outdoor lighting and security cameras to deter potential burglars.

Burglars Know How to Break In

Burglars are experienced at breaking into homes quickly and discreetly. They may use tools such as crowbars or screwdrivers to force entry into a home. They may also pick locks or manipulate garage doors to gain entry.

To prevent burglaries, it's essential to secure entry points to your home. Consider installing high-quality deadbolts and reinforcing doors and windows with sturdy locks and security bars. Also, avoid leaving spare keys outside your home, as these can easily be discovered by potential burglars.

Burglars Know How to Avoid Detection

Burglars are experts at avoiding detection and leaving a home undisturbed when they leave. They may use gloves or other protective gear to avoid leaving fingerprints or DNA evidence in the home. They may also avoid taking large items that are difficult to carry or that may attract attention.

To prevent burglaries, it's essential to make it difficult for burglars to steal your valuables. Consider installing a home safe or hiding valuables in unexpected areas of your home, such as a false bottom drawer or behind a bookshelf. Also, consider marking your valuables with identifying information, making it easier to recover them if they are stolen.

Burglars Know the Consequences

Burglars understand the consequences of their actions, including the possibility of being caught and facing criminal charges. However, many burglars are willing to take the risk, as the potential rewards outweigh the risks.

To prevent burglaries, it's essential to make it clear that your home is not an easy target. Consider displaying a sign indicating that your home is protected by a security system, even if you don't have one. Also, consider installing motion-sensitive lights and surveillance cameras that can capture any suspicious activity around your home.


Burglary is a crime that can cause a great deal of financial loss and emotional trauma to the victim. To prevent burglaries from occurring, it's essential to understand what burglars know and how they operate. By taking steps to secure your home and make it less appealing to potential burglars, you can reduce the risk of becoming a victim of this crime. Stay vigilant, stay safe!