3 Tips For Giving A Great Gift

I know that trying to find just the right gift for somebody can
be like going to the dentist at times. Ok, maybe that's a
little bit dramatic. But when people ask me about what they
should get someone for whatever the occasion, they are somtimes
in a panic. This is what I tell them.

1. Be Original

If you can imagine, you can be "original". It really isn't
that hard.

You know how teachers are always getting those stereotypical
apple and school related gifts? (You people know who you are.)
Ok, enough. Teachers have feelings too. No, really. (I'm not
a teacher but I have friends and family who are and this is what
they tell me.)
This is a prime example of "un-originality". (Can you imagine
getting 24 primarily identical gifts at Christmas time?) What's
a teacher to do?

Want to win some brownie points? Get he or she something that
they can use and enjoy.

Let me help to stir those creative juices.

a.Gift cards or certificates for - Pedicure, Manicure, Movie
Theater, Ice Cream Shop, Movie Rental Store, Book Store, Gourmet
Foods, Golf Course, Restaurant....

b. A great throw blanket

c. Tickets to a game

d. Awesome gourmet chocolate and foods

Are you starting to get the picture?

2. Homemade Is Good

When I say homemade, people usually think of food. But homemade
can also relate to sewing, knitting, building, painting,
crafting or whatever it is you make with your own two hands.
I love to get stuff from people who put their time into a gift.
If you have a talent for baking, cooking or making things, you
really ought to give of yourself in that way to others. If you
don't feel that you can make anything yourself, find someone who
can. It's just as good.

3. Attention Getting Packaging

Try to find objects that can be used as containers for
presenting your gifts. Turn them into gift baskets. Let me
give you some examples:

a. Ceramics- Bowls, mugs, tea cup and saucer, plates, trays,

b. Any kind of basket

c. Hats turned upside down

d. Boxes lined with decorative paper on the inside and out

After deciding on a container, fill it with some sort of tissue
paper or shred.
Orgainize the contents of your basket and use clear or colored
gift basket wrap to seal it.
Attach ribbon, a bow, maybe a card, flowers, greenery, or candy
to it at the top. You could even attach an object that ties in
to the theme of the gift.

You know what people really like? It's to know that someone
cared enough about them to put some thought into their gift.
So, I guess it really is the "thought" that counts.

About the Author

Rena D. Robertson is the founder of Rena's Recipes "Gourmet The Texas Way".
She has been baking for 30 years and has developed quite a reputation for creating exceptional, mouth-watering recipes. She says that having a passion in life is important. Her passion is making people feel good. Her gourmet foods seem to do just that. You can find some of her creations at