Can You Make Restaurant Quality Coffee at Home?

If you are looking to making restaurant quality coffee at home then you will have to first consider which type of restaurant the coffee comes from and how they actually make that coffee. Not all restaurant coffee is quality. And not all restaurant coffee is made the same so making restaurant quality coffee at home depends on many things.

A lot of coffee shops order bulk bags of coffee that are delivered monthly. They store the bags until they are used then reorder them. They may use a commercial drip coffee maker with enough room for three or more coffee pots to brew at the same time. Usually one of the pots will be decaf and one may be hot water for tea or instant cocoa. Then they will pre-fill a dozen paper coffee filters with coffee grounds that will sit piled atop each other until used. This is not the restaurant quality coffee you should desire to make at home, especially when air, moisture, light and heat all contribute to the decline of the coffee beans and grounds.

Then there are the smaller restaurants that don