Question : I HAVE been taking fish oil supplements for the past three years. I find that it helps me to manage my cholesterol levels. I am confused about different forms of fish oil. Please explain.
Answer : FISH oil, which is high in omega-3 fatty acids, has been shown to have positive results on those with elevated cholesterol levels.
Currently, at the pharmacy, fish oils can be found in two strengths - single strength which provides a minimum of 300mg omega-3 fatty acids or concentrated fish oils which provide a minimum of 600mg omega-3 fatty acids. A concentrated fish oil supplement will be suitable for those who consume moderate to high doses as it reduces the number of capsules needed.
However, it is important to note that when choosing a concentrated fish oil, it is best to choose one which is in triglyceride form. This is the form closest to the structure of natural fats. Another advantage is that fish oils in this form is 70 per cent better absorbed compared with those in ethyl ester form, which is the most common form concentrated fish oils are found.
You should also ensure that the fish oil has been molecularly distilled and purified (most concentrated fish oils are only molecularly distilled) and that it has been manufactured by a Good Manufacturing Practices compliant company.
Diet and lifestyle modification also play an important roles. Reduce or avoid red meats, animal fats and products, cheese, butter and other dairy products, food high in cholesterol. Increase intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Take lecithin supplement to help improve cholesterol absorption and removal from tissue deposits. Achieve normal body weight, manage stress wisely, exercise regularly and avoid smoking.
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