Difference between fish oil and cod liver oil

Question : I HAVE been consuming cod liver oil for over five years. However, my cholesterol level is slightly elevated and I have been advised to take fish oil. Can you please tell me the difference between the two?

Answer : COD liver oil, as its name suggests is extracted from the liver of the fish. It contains mainly vitamins A & D. Cod liver oil is a useful supplement for strengthening the respiratory system and boosting resistance against common illnesses such as coughs and colds. Cod liver oils are not known to lower cholesterol levels.

Lately, there has been some concern over the safety of liver oils. This is due to the fact that the liver is the detoxifying organ and hence the oils may contain toxins.

Fish oil, on the other hand, is extracted from the body of the fish and is a rich source of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Benefits of fish oil include helping to reduce cholesterol, helping with cardiovascular disease, improving joint health and promoting overall well being.

It is important to know the source of the fish oil ingredients when choosing a fish oil supplement to ensure that it is safe for long-term consumption. Fish oils, sourced from small, non-predatory fish such as anchovies and sardines are a wise choice. As these fish have short life cycles and feed on plants, they are less likely to accumulate toxins in their body compared to large predatory fish like tuna and shark.

As you are seeking to control your cholesterol levels, you will require a reasonably high dose. You should consider taking concentrated fish oil supplements which provide double the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in each capsule to reduce the number of capsules you would need to consume, which will be cost effective in the long run.

Finally, ensure maximum absorption by choosing a fish oil concentrate which is in triglyceride form. Most fish oil concentrates are in ethyl ester form where absorption is not as effective. This is due to ethyl ester's molecular structure which is not as compatible with that of the body compared to the triglycerides. Although those in triglyceride form are slightly more expensive, the additional benefits far outweigh the monetary costs.

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