For many years people have asked the questions, do wine aerators work with white wine? For quite a while, most people thought the answer to that question was no. In fact, those individuals were absolutely incorrect, and many well known wine aerator companies are producing quality white wine aerators to prove it. Wine aerators do in fact work well with white wine, although it is slightly different process than you see with a red wine. Typically wine enthusiasts insist on owning two different types of aerators, one specific to each kind of wine.
A wine aerator is a device that is designed to enhance the flavor of wine, to allow oxygen to flow through the wine which causes it to breathe. After the aeration process, people report that they taste more specific flavors in the wine, and that it goes down much smoother with less of a harsh, bitter bite to it. This process is accomplished by allowing the air to interact with the wine by expanding the liquid's surface. Most wine aerators allow the wine to pour through the device prior to it being entered into a decanter or directly into the wine glass. The tiny bubbles which flow throughout the liquid pull the subtle aromas and flavors to the forefront. Aerators are easy to use and are relatively inexpensive. Many wine connoisseurs claim that they would not drink a wine that has not been aerated because they feel they are missing some of the important aspects of the wine.
White wine aerators are slightly different than red wine aerators. Some brands of wine aerators claim that the dimensions of the gadget are different and more specific to the needs of white wine. Some also explain that the rate of the flow of the wine is different. All the brands that sell both red and white aerators claim that the design of each is different to get the utmost results for each kind of wine.
White wine seems to improve in similar ways as red wine for the most part. The aromas that are extremely important in white wine drinking is enhanced by the aeration process and many wine samplers say they can taste additional flavors in the white wine after it has been through the aeration process. Besides being more flavorful, white wine that has been put through the aeration process is said to be more pleasant to drink and that it tastes more expensive.
The amount of air that filters through the wine is actually increased in most white wine aerators over the red wine sister product. These units have been changed slightly to infused more oxygen into the white wine and encourage the true flavors and aromas to show through.
So a white wine aerator is a must for any white wine lover, and may show you flavors in your favorite wines that you never knew were there! For those asking do wine aerators work with white wine, the answer is most certainly yes, and the results are just as dramatic as those you see in red wine aerators.