Espresso Machines What You May Not Know

Espresso is a concentrated form of coffee that is made by forcing
hot water through finely ground coffee at a high pressure.

In order to force the water through the fine-ground coffee,
espresso machines use pressure that comes from heating water
inside a sealed vessel. Some machines a pump driven, while
others are steam driven. Pump driven machines generate more
consistent pressure at the optimal brewing temperature. Most
commercial grade machines are pump driven. A steam driven machine
is most common at the lower-end of the consumer market.

Espresso machines can be bought from around $30 up to many
thousands - and there are even variations of the espresso machine
made especially for camping trips. All machines work on the same
basic principles.

Finding the Right Espresso Machine for You

Making a quality espresso drink is an art form. Fortunately,
options are available that match your skill level - or desire for
ease of use. Some machines will do everything for you. Other
espresso machines require a high level of operator skill and
interaction. Tip your barista well!

It's important to consider the various elements involved. You may
want supreme simplicity in a home espresso machine - insert
espresso pod, push go, wait 45 seconds and enjoy.

Or you may be in the market for a commercial grade machine which
requires a commercial grade grinder, direct plumbing and

Why buy an espresso machine?

You might be a little shocked and surprised when you start your
espresso machine shopping adventure. These machines aren't cheap!
Not the good ones anyway.

But, if you take out pad and pen and do the math, you will quickly
decide that a home machine - a good home machine - will pay for
itself rather quickly.

Let's assume that you buy just one espresso drink per day at the
modest cost of $3.50 (I know most drinks run higher and many of us
cannot get by on just one per day!) That adds up to over $1277 per
year! If you have friends, roommates, family (my wife, oh my wife!),
then you can easily see the cost-effectiveness of an the commercial
grade home models.

Plus, when you get good at making drinks (and that's a lot of fun),
you can wow friends and family. It beats a card trick most everytime.

A Word of Caution when Buying an Espresso Machine

If you're budget minded, like I am, you might be tempted to snap up a
$60 expresso machine at Target. Hey, I love Target too. But you will
likely be disappointed by the performance of the machine. Frankly, I
think a good barista can make a decent drink on any machine - but
you'll likely wish you saved up a bit over time and purchased a higher
quality pump-driven model.

It's true that the pump-driven espresso makers are bigger, heavier,
and more difficult to use (until you learn to use it). But they'll
produce a better cup of coffee. And you will be happier in the
long-run as a result.

About the Author

Espresso Machines and More offers a wide variety of quality information on
the world's favorite beverage - coffee and espresso. Find answers to all
of your questions about espresso at