If you are excited about matching your favorite food with a great wine, it's necessary that you have proper information about pairing the wine and food in the right combination. If you don't take care to do this, it can really ruin a enjoyable time. It would actually ruin the flavor of even the finest wine and food choices.
The bad traits that could be introduced by pairing food and wine incorrectly include extra sweetness, bitterness, alcoholic properties and non-desirable metallic flavors.
There are a number of simple, surefire techniques for pairing food and wine choices properly. First and importantly, you should keep in mind that the food and wine you wish to pair should have similar traits. If you were considering red wine as meal accompaniment, then porter would be a good menu choice. This is because each of these menu options possesses robust flavors. When combining food and wine options for a meal, don't choose items that possess disparate qualities. The common mistake of pairing a sweet wine variety with a steak dinner yields unfavorable results.
Combining wine and food of different types will equal a not so good experience for you. The right pairing and combination offers a unique and wondrous feel to the entire wining-and-dining-experience.
Those-in-the-know argue that wine with a citrus feel pairs well with chicken in a butter/garlic sauce. You're bound to like the results.
There are certain rules you should go by before starting new dishes for wines with high alcohol flavor. When serving BBQ at a meal, choose wine varieties with higher alcohol content. If by chance you compliment your favorite wine with a lightly flavored dish, it is likely the wine will overpower the dish. Ultimately the impression will be that you've been drinking only wine the whole time.
In case, you enjoy wines that are composed of a lot of tannin, pairing them with dishes rich in salt or protein would be a good idea.
It's easy to relish a desert wine by combining a sweet wine with a moderately sweet desert wine. Avoid highly sugared sweet items when planning a menu. You'll end up with a dish that is overly sweet.
You should also follow your instincts before combining foods and wines. Think about what you would like to include on your menu. Then, take a sip of wine and a bite of food together to decide what tastes best and suits you.
Do not choose a menu item or wine variety that is unfamiliar or not a favorite. Trying a variety is great however; don't taste anything that could give you an unpleasant taste.
Ideal food and wine pairings are arrived at through plenty of trial and error. By doing this, you will gain a lot of info about wine, varieties of food, and the best combinations. As long as you do your homework, it is possible to come up with some terrific pairings.