Food Storage Calculators: The Pros and Cons

Unless you have been on an extended camping trip for the past year, you know about the global food crisis and the fact that our government refuses to cut spending and continues to print money that will inevitably lead to higher prices and inflation. With this knowledge comes a choice that we all have to make. Will we do something or just hope that it goes away?

In my book, it just makes sense to start implementing a long-term food storage plan. Just think about it, how long could you and your family survive on the supplies you keep in your home right now? What if the price of fuel sky rockets and truckers are not able to afford the gas to get the food to the stores and the store shelves get picked clean in a day or two? How long could you make it? A week... maybe two? There are many factors that could lead to the inability for us to buy food. Cost is one. Do you look at your grocery list and think "oh good, this shouldn't cost much because there are only a few items on it" and then you get to the check out counter and you find that your small list is costing you what your large list used to cost?

What are the pros of using a food storage calculator? Ok, so let's say that you are ready to start putting together your long-term food storage, where do you start? Well you could type in a search for food storage calculator and you would find some information on how many pounds of rice and beans and other supplies you will need. This is very helpful, but now you will need to know how to store it so it will last.

The cons of using a food storage calculator: A food storage calculator is just that, just a calculator. Then you will need to purchase some containers to hold all this food and keep it dry. These are usually sold in bulk and can be quite costly. This is starting to look like a full-time job! Is there another option?

It's too bad there isn't a company that could offer delicious food that is easy to prepare (just add water) and would last at least 15 years. I'm not talking about Ramen noodles, I'm talking about healthy, gourmet meals that are good enough to eat on camping trips and great for quick, easy meals at home as well. Oh wait, there are companies that offer that, and it's an option you should definately look into. So before you turn your life upside down looking at food storage calculators and buying expensive bulk storage containers, you should explore all your options and choose what is best for you and your family. You may want to take a look at the website below that actually gives you the option of earning money while building your food reserves.

Here's to preparing for the worst while hoping for the best.