If you are searching for ways to save the environment, a great place to begin is your regular trip to the grocery store.
Start by planning ahead for the week. A meal plan can ensure that you use your food wisely, which will reduce waste and save money. First, take an inventory of your refrigerator, freezer and pantry. Then, make a menu for all the breakfasts, packed lunches, and dinners your family will need this week. Then write out the grocery list of the items you need. Reducing the number of drives to the store is another way to save the environment through meal planning.
Once you arrive at the store, one of the best going green ideas is to plot your course strategically to avoid the foods that are over-processed and filled with chemicals and additives. The whole and natural foods are always found around the perimeter of the store. If you start at one side and work your way around the edges of the store, you will find all the produce, dairy, and meat products. One of the ways to save the environment is to purchase these whole foods that have not had additional natural resources spent on their processing.
While shopping for these whole foods, you want to choose organic as often as possible to avoid consuming toxic pesticides and hormones. If you