Have You Experienced Eaton"s Mango Chutney?

Mango chutney is the most popular type of chutney because of its unique texture and exotically sweet flavor of the mango. Mangos are indigenous to India, but mango chutney is used as a delicious condiment all over the world. Mango chutney is a popular condiment for pork, poultry, curry, and fish, but it adds a dazzling flavor to any meal.

Chutneys are served with almost every meal in India and, although they are not as widespread in the rest of the world, many people are beginning to understand why chutneys are a staple of the Indian diet. The diverse flavors and textures of chutneys are commonly used as relishes with curries, as well as sauces on meat dishes. Chutneys like mango chutney can be either cooked or fresh, and are made from many different kinds of ingredients, including mangos, pears, apples, tomato, tamarind, cilantro, onions, hot chilies, vinegar, lemon, sugar, coconut, raisins, garlic, mint, ginger, turmeric, citrus peel, honey, and cinnamon.

Although mangos are notoriously sweet, mango chutney ranges from sweet to sour to spicy. Cooked mango chutney is common in the Caribbean, and its popularity continues to grow in the United States as people seek out the many delectable Caribbean curries.

But mango chutney has competition from papaya chutney as a widely enjoyed condiment. Papayas have a taste that is similar to mangos when they are ripe. They are juicy, soft, and mildly sweet when cooked. Both mango chutney and papaya chutney add an unmistakable flair to any hors d'oeuvres.
