Have Your Strawberry Cake And Eat It

Are you ready to bake a family favorite? I hope so. It doesn't matter that it's cold outside - and it might even be snowing - because strawberry cake is on the menu all year round these days.

In times past when winter arrived that meant an end to enjoying the pleasures of making and savoring this summer sensation. That is no longer the case, thankfully. It is not just June to August that strawberries are available these days - they are seen on grocers' shelves as early as April. But, even if you can't get your hands on fresh produce, there's no need to fret, as frozen fruit is still a great option.

Well, I hope you answered yes to my opening question as I'm all set to get baking - the oven is warming, my all-natural ingredients are set out in front of me, and the kids are already asking when they can get eating!

OK, here we go. Get a pen and paper because these are the ingredients you'll need to create this delightful dish that is sure to tickle the taste buds of every member of your family - not just the kids!

You'll need 3 quarter cups of strawberry puree, 1/4 cup of milk, 6 egg whites, 1 tablespoon vanilla essence, 2 cups of cake flour, 1-1/2 cups of sugar, 4 teaspoons of baking powder, 1 teaspoon of salt, and 12 tablespoons of butter without salt. Also required are cake pans and aluminum foil.

Initially, mix strawberry puree, eggs and milk. But make certain that this task is carried out at room temperature. You can now enjoy a short break, if you like, as this mixture must be put to one side for 30 minutes. Right, rest over, it's time to get back to work - if you can call this rewarding pastime work. Now add butter until the mixture becomes soft. Don't forget to blend all these ingredients well.

You should have the oven heating up to 350 degrees now. Don't panic if it's not at the right temperature yet as we still have some more preparation.

Now line the cake pans with the aluminum foil, sprinkle baking powder into the pans, and then cover lightly with flour. Using a fork, combine the vanilla essence with strawberry puree, egg whites and milk in another bowl.

Next up, mix the sugar, flour, baking powder and butter with the mixture just prepared. Always remember to beat well - and add a pinch of salt. When that's done, pour in the remainder of the strawberry puree and blend to combine. Beat this until everything mixes to your satisfaction.

It's time to pour the prepared mixture into the cake pans. Ensure that each cake is level with the top of its pan, before baking for 25 minutes. Remember to use a toothpick to test that the cakes are well cooked. If they are, leave for 10 minutes to cool down. Call the kids as it's time to enjoy some delicious strawberry cakes.