How To Run A Catering Business

Running you own catering business would obviously require more of your time than a regular 9 to 5 job. There are some days that will be longer than others, but if you have the ambition and means, it will worth your time and effort. Remember to work hard and stay focused.

Preparation before the big day is extremely important. Gather all the client information beforehand is key to being successful. Once a job is booked, there are many tasks that need to be performed before and on the day of the event. Important information to gather includes number of guess, sit down of buffet style and planning the courses for the meal. Be clear on what the client would like serve.

Have some sample menus to show the client because clients will need your input to suggest a menu that is appropriate for the occasion. A sample or a tasting may be required prior to the event to satisfy some clients before they make the final order. Also prepare a few of your specialties to see if they would to include in the meals. This will help to show them you craft and professionalism.

Your need to hire as much additional help you need based on the size of the event. It is a good idea to create a database of people you can hire to do specific jobs for your events. Make a note of people who can work at anytime or have a flexible schedule, have more than one backup for every job and can work for you sporadically. Train your servers and create a relationship with them that you can use all the time. Servers will make your team look professional. Secure good transportations to transport the food and equipment to the event.

Before, during the event and at the end must be planned properly. Before the event your need to secure all of the ingredients, supplies, and equipment you will need. Your schedule should include how long it will take you to prepare the food. When you are hiring, keep in mind that you need to hire a cleanup crew for when the event is over.

If you are organized, create a plan and follow it, you will take the difficult out of running a catering business. Stay positive and look professional at all times. After every event review with your team what went right and what went wrong. Write it all down and before the next event pull out the review sheet and make adjustments so the same things don't go wrong and enhance the things that went right.

Keep improving yourself and your catering business. This is the opportunity to become more creative and try new things and improve your talents.