How We Discovered the Single Cup Coffee Maker

My family is just just like most other normal American families. We enjoy our kids, work hard and try to enjoy our time off with loved ones. We've always enjoyed a great cup of coffee each morning and maybe even after dinner. For years we did what everyone else did, buy ground coffee brands, dump the grounds in a filter, stick it in the brewer and wait for 8 cups or so to pour through. Then we started buying whole beans, which required buying a grinder. Fun for a while, but messy.

Then one evening we were at a friend's house for dinner and they offered us a cup. When asked what I preferred I just indicated that I would have whatever everyone else wanted. Our friend opened the cupboard and showed us several different small cups, each packed with enough coffee for a single cup... dark roasts, breakfast blends, take your pick. She then pointed to a corner of the kitchen and introduced us to the single cup coffee maker. I subsequently learned that this was a Keurig model. One of many made by folks that invented what is known as the "K Cup" system.

The next morning when we started the operation of brewing another pot of coffee the inevitable conversation started about what we had discovered the night before. We both loved coffee. We didn't always agree on what variety we wanted on a given morning. We didn't always drink the whole pot. And we were both a bit sick of the mess and hassle involved in brewing a cup of coffee (yeah... we can be a little lazy in the am... first one up out of bed makes the coffee). So I cracked open the laptop and started doing some research on single cup coffee makers. I assure you, I meticulously when examining products. After a day or two of looking and debating I settled on a few brands. You can see the options I considered below. These are all very good options and took considerable time (and many eye rolls from my bride) that i can sort through the options. I eventually ordered the Keurig B70 single cup coffee maker. Feature for feature the best single cup coffee maker I could find.