M & M's Royal Orgasmic Delight

The Levy's are two devoted healthy eaters. They love to discover new tasty, healthy dishes fit to set before kings & queens. Their latest dessert dish is indeed an orgasmic delight that allows the taste buds to go on a journey of blissful decadence. And the good news is it is packed full of natures goodness and can be part of a weight reducing diet.

First fill a jar three quarters full with pitted dried prunes, sliced oranges, lemons (optional) and a couple of cinnamon sticks. Fill to the top with hot water just off boiling point. Allow to cool slightly and add two tablespoons of brandy, put on lid whilst still hot and this forms a seal. Store it in a cool place for one month. This will allow the flavors to marinate.

Toast a cup full of organic rolled oats.

Next, grate some bitter Belgium pure chocolate (cooking chocolate has no added anything) in a dish. You can grate as little or as much as you feel necessary to electrify your taste buds.

Peel a ripe banana. Roll the banana in the grated chocolate. Now, Roll the chocolate banana in the toasted oats. Spread a couple of juicy prunes on top and slice into pieces. Close your eyes and savor each mouthful of delectable delight.

• Pure dark bitter chocolate is heart healthy and is very high in antioxidants

• Prunes are high in calcium and increase iron absorption. They are also great for bowel regularity... Viva la fiber!

• Oranges and lemons are high in vitamin C and bioflavonoids

• Cinnamon is anti viral, anti bacteria and helps to level blood sugar.

• Bananas are high in potassium and also contain vitamin B6.

• Oats are an excellent soluble fiber. They can also help lower high cholesterol levels. They also contain selenium which is associated with reducing the risk for cancer. Also helps to level blood sugar.

And as for the few drops of brandy.....
Well, that's where a little decadence comes in.

If you are making a party, you can dress-up all of your favorite fruits in the same manner. It will make a platter filled with heavenly, enchanting delights that pleases the palate, soothe the soul and protect the heart... Who could ask for better nutritional royal treatment.
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About the Author

Michael Levy is the author four books "What is the Point? "Minds of Blue Souls of Gold" "Enjoy Yourself - It's Later Than You Think" and "Invest with a Genius." Michael's poetry and essays now grace many web sites, Journals and Magazines throughout the world.His philosophies have become a major source of Truth, Wisdom and Love for many people. http://www.pointoflife.com