Rich Ingredients And Spices Make Indian Regional Food An Appetizing Indian Menu

India has been known as the land of spices for centuries. The wide spectrum of Indian spices are loved and desired by foodies all across the world. India has got a varied heritage and huge diversity in terms of regions and cultures. Every Indian region has specialized cuisines and diverse style of food preparations.

An appetizing Indian meal keeps us all healthy and full of energy for an energetic tomorrow. Home cooked Indian food adds real value to life. Regional Indian food has diverse styles of preparations and unique ingredients used in the preparations which make a dish appetizing and tempting.

Spices are what make Indian food so special. They have been known to be more valuable than gold in history!

Spices are abundantly found across India and are prepared from flowers, leaves, roots, bark or seeds of various trees and plants. They are known for multiple health benefits that they provide. Understanding the health benefits of each ingredient and knowing the exact flavor that it will add to the food is necessary while preparing a delicious Indian preparation.

For an instance if one tries using some crushed curry leaves and Cardamom in mixed vegetable it will not only add to the taste; moreover it shall also help in digestion.

Few of the most commonly used of the entire spectrum of spices are:
