Say Thanks To The Earl Of Sandwich

It's an idea so simple that is has infiltrated each meal and become a staple in nearly every household. It has so many different variations that you could possibly have a different one each day during the year. The sandwich is made by moms everywhere, the working man's lunch or a hiker's snack. But this creation hasn't always been around to tantalize and cure a bad case of hunger, who is responsible for this tasty treat?

Why, royalty, of course. It is rumored that John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich in England had an epiphany one day. He asked that slices of meat be placed between two pieces of bread. What historians have discovered more recently is that he may not have been the one responsible for thinking up this meal. However, he often demanded that it be brought to him at his work desk or the gambling table.

Other countries have staked their own claim to the sandwich as well. During the Jewish passover, lamb meat is presented between two pieces of matzah bread. In the Middle Ages pieces of hardened bread were used as plates and in the late 1800's members of the aristocracy requested sandwiches as late-night snacks. With the rise of industrialism in France and elsewhere in the early twentieth century, the sandwich become popular among working class laborers.

So as you can see, people around the world have created their own version for hundreds of years. Whether or not he was the true creator of the sandwich, John Montagu became a mascot for it. A true sandwich lover from the start, he is sure to have gleaned some pleasure from having this namesake given to such a convenient invention. As a busy man hard at work in the navy, enjoying the arts, or gambling, the sandwich provided him with all the nutrition he needed.

It is likely that even the 4th Earl of Sandwich would be surprised at how his simple sandwich has transformed the way that we eat today. From a basic Turkey B.L.T to a goat cheese and spinach creation, there is a sandwich to please everyone in your family. Sandwich shops are always thinking about new ideas to surprise and delight your palate. Dream up a virtual sandwich and see if your local shop can whip it up and make it a reality. Who knows, it may become the next gastronomical craze.