It has been thousands of years since humans have been eating red meat. It was in the 1950s that the tradition of eating meat got a lot of bad press as people started getting health conscious and research proved the link between animal fat, cholesterol, and serious health conditions like obesity, heart disease and cancer. As processed meats loaded with fat and preservatives became widely available the negative perception grew further. However it is now becoming clear even as food experts continue to debate meat consumption that it is not the meat which is the villain of the story but it is the fat that comes with it, which needs to be blamed. During preparation you would need to remove the outer fat, which will reveal red meat and it is a superior food with very high nutritional value, necessary for optimum health.
Complete Protein - Lean red meat supplies all the 21 essential amino acids found in proteins which the body requires. Red meat is said to contain "complete proteins" which are essential for providing energy to the body and are also important for the growth and repair of body cells. Antibodies are essential for fighting diseases and the protein in lean meat helps the immune system in producing it.
Source of Vitamins - Red meat consumption provides the body with vitamins that are vital to health. Vitamin A, which is supplied by the red meat and fat of grass-fed animals, is a powerful nutrient for maintaining good eyesight and strong immune and endocrine systems. Vitamin A also enhances fertility and helps in protecting the fetus against birth defects.
Rich in Minerals - Read meat has important minerals which are a must for good health. Iron is one of those minerals which enables the blood to efficiently carry oxygen to the cells of the body. Absorption of iron from red meat is better than those from plant sources. Women who experience heavy menstruation tend to lose a lot of blood which would lead to low levels of iron and they may feel fatigue and dizziness and they would need to eat lean red meat to prevent it.
Zinc is another important mineral which is found in red meat. This mineral has anti aging benefits which are derived from its anti-inflammatory properties and it also helps strengthen the immune system. Skin health can also be maintained by zinc as it speeds up the healing process caused from damage caused due to pimples and other skin disorders.
Wholesome Fats - Cholesterol build up which could lead to heart attack has been linked to animal fat but studies have proved that the structural fat which is found in lean meat is actually beneficial in preventing the dreaded disease. The polyunsaturated fatty acids which are found in red meat are known to play a major role in reducing abnormal heart rhythms, which are often the cause of cardiac arrest. Beef fat is found to contain nearly 35% of monounsaturated fat or good cholesterol. Beef and lamb meat are also said to contain high amounts of stearic acid, which are a form of saturated fat and it is found to be lowering LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol. Omega-3 to omega-5 fatty acids are also found in lean red meat which are essential for healthy brain function and emotional well being.
Lean Towards Healthy Eating - Anything taken in excess is bad, and the same applies to red meat. But eaten in moderation, lean red meat is an excellent source of nourishment for our growth and energy requirements. When buying red meat, it helps if you can find meat from grass-fed animals because they contain more nutrients. And don't forget the word 'lean' because controlling animal fat consumption to beneficial levels is a key to good health.