This Strawberry Pie Recipe Is a Great Method for Any Other Fresh Fruit Pie.

A strawberry pie recipe is really no different than a blueberry pie recipe, or a rhubarb pie recipe. Beside the obvious difference in ingredients, the methods behind making a fresh fruit pie are exactly the same.

Unlike canned fruit, fresh fruit does not come with extra liquid. However, we do need some liquid to use as a binder for our pie. If we just sliced strawberries, placed them on the right type of flakes pie crust and baked them, this would be considered a tart.

But a true pie has a binding agent, something that brings all the fresh fruit ingredients together so you get an attractive triangle slice of pie without the filling spilling everywhere. Most internet recipe websites will tell you to mix some water with cornstarch as a thickener.

Water is the most flavorless item there is. Why would you water down the flavor of your beautiful pie with something that