Wine was regarded was something special even during the time of Jesus Christ. It was always present during special occasions, be it on birthday parties, wedding ceremonies and even on the Last Supper of Jesus Christ. It has been studied by many medical doctors and scientists and they have come up with a conclusion that wine, indeed, when taken moderately, is good for one's health. But do you know that being abusive in consuming wine can also be dangerous to one's health? The worst part is, it can be deadly.
Here are some reasons why you should be a responsible wine drinker:
1. Alcohol- Wine is a product of alcohol and starch being fermented and ingesting too much alcohol can be very harmful to your body.
2. Accidents- We hear it in the news and read about it in the papers - drunk driver killed in a car accident. It is a familiar line of story and still, in spite of the constant reminders by the government, health professionals and even family members about the risks of drunk driving, people everywhere still do it. The sad part is when innocent people are killed because of an irresponsible drunk driver. As they say, never drink and drive.
3. Health- Though wine can be good for our health, when taken in excessive amounts, we are putting our health in great danger. We can suffer from liver diseases, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, cancer and many more. Pregnant women should not drink wine because the child in her womb can have a mental or physical disabilities.
4. Mental- Consuming alcohol in excessive amounts can lead to addiction. This is when your body starts craving for alcohol. You become addicted to it and your personal life can even be affected. Not only are you risking losing your family and friends. You will also be putting your career that you have worked so hard all your life in danger. In general, too much alcohol can bring about mental conditions including depression, insomnia and memory loss.
When taken responsibility, wine can be very stimulating, relaxing and refreshing. But how many glasses of wine is considered moderate drinking? Studies have shown that drinking two to three glasses of wine daily is good for our health but anything more than that is considered excess and can be deadly. One more thing, it is suggested that the best time to consume wine is after eating our meals. Drinking wine on an empty stomach is also not good for your health it can cause thinning of your intestines and ulcers. So when you are planning to go out with your friends or with someone special, don't forget to drink wine in moderate amounts and don't drink and drive.