Normally, additions to my blog are designed to promote information sharing on topics related to wine and to promote products my company makes available to our customers. The dialog presented contains facts, issues, product reviews, and, occasionally, a humorous antidote. I live in Tucson, Arizona. The events that took place here on January 8th, 2011 have compelled me to offer my discussion and observations of this unforgettable tragedy. Perhaps, it is my way of coping with what happened.
Regular people where seeking an interaction with their Congressional Representative, Gabby Giffords, at a local grocery store around 10 AM on a Saturday morning. In a matter of moments, a lone gunman appeared on the scene and started shooting. It did not take long before six wonderful Tucson residents lay dead and several others were gravely wounded. The news of this event traveled through Tucson like a strong spring wind, shocking the entire community. The people of Tucson did not know where to turn that morning and to some extent still struggle with the multitude of questions that grief can bring.
That day many common citizens became instant heroes. Two citizens sacrificed their lives to save another. Other citizens acted together to subdue the shooter. Many ordinary people jumped in the fray to administer life-saving aid and comfort to the injured. The police and emergency care responders shifted into high-gear, moving the wounded people to hospitals where their fight for survival continued. Emergency room doctors and nurses tirelessly applied their skills to save every life they could. The Tucson people anxiously awaited any small morsel of news on everyone