American Politics Federal Government, Political Left And Right
Did you know that the term political left originated in France during the French revolution? After the King and Queen were executed, France became a republic. The terms left and right evolved from the seating in the modern parliament. These are even now used while discussing politics these days although they are rather simplified given our complicated political landscape.If a person refer to someone as being on the political left that person is considered as being more liberal in their views. A conservative would be referred to as being on the political right. Republicans who are likely to be more conservative in their viewpoints are right wing whereas the Democrats are typically on the left side of the political arena.
As is generally the case with human beings, it just isn't that simple. Even within individuals who support the Dems there will be some who will be very liberal in their thinking and what they consider best policy. As an example you may have some Dems who think that abortion is wrong so would follow a typical right wing view on that matter. Or you may have other Liberals who think that the war in Afghanistan is just and thus spending on military need to increase whereas the Dems generally advocate less spending on defense.
In politics, just like other things, there are always the extremes. You could have two individuals who are both considered for being on the political left, yet they hold radically different viewpoints on various issues. These different viewpoints are what makes political meetings so exciting and the study of politics so absorbing not to mention complicated.
Barack Obama is a Democrat so would be described as being on the political left. Generally his party would support issues like legalizing same sex marriages and allowing doctor aided suicide. The conservatives would seem to take a more spiritual view being pro life, anti same sex marriages and want to introduce more religion in schools.