Bernie LaPlante and the 911 Truth Movement

Who is Bernie Laplante?

Bernie LaPlante was a fictional character in the 1992 movie "Hero." He was portrayed by Dustin Hoffman. Bernie was a petty crook who was also an astute street philosopher. Toward the end the film, while teaching his son the ways of the world, he made this profound observation:

"There ain't no truth, all there is is bullshit...Layers of it. One layer of bullshit on top of another."

This quote fits perfectly into this century of controlled media and gullible masses. When we go to the Internet and search for truth, we often find different versions, get confused and don't know what to believe. Rarely do we ever get the truth, but always we get someone's version. This is what Bernie defined as a layer of "bullshit."

What is the 911 Truth Movement?

As we know, on September 11, 2001, hijacked airplanes hit each of the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center. The South Tower collapsed 54 minutes after being hit, while the north tower, even though it was hit first, lasted for 1 hour and 40 minutes before it also collapsed. 8 hours and 32 minutes after the first plane's impact, a 47 story building labeled building 7 collapsed even though it was not hit by a plane. According to government investigators, plane impact, structural damage, along with the resulting fire made the twin towers collapse. Fire alone, started from the twin tower debris, caused building 7 to collapse.

Some scientists witnessing video of these events noticed that the tower collapses looked very much like the way older buildings are demolished using controlled demolition. On further investigation, they've found that no steel framed buildings before 9/11 or after 9/11 have ever collapsed from fire. The 911 Truth Movement was born. Various groups set out investigate what really happened to the buildings in addition to other events that occurred that day. Events like the plane crashing into the pentagon and the crash of United Flight 93 have official government explanations that are disputed by the 911 Truth Movement.

It seems like many of the leaders of this movement are intelligent individuals with impressive credentials. They include architects, engineers, scientists, government officials, entertainers, and many others. Groups like Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, Scholars for 911 Truth, and Radio Host Alex Jones, are calling for a new impartial investigation of what really happened on 9/11.

The Kennedy Assassination.

To illustrate a point, lets go back to another important historical event. On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy, was shot and killed while riding in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald, or so the official government version says. Many groups examined the evidence and wondered whether this murder could have been perpetrated by only one man or even if Oswald was just a patsy and had nothing to do with the crime. The film maker Oliver Stone made a major motion picture in 1991 called "JFK" that questioned the findings of the Warren Commission, the government body that investigated Kennedy's death and found that Oswald was solely responsible.

After over 45 years, the official truth stands, Oswald did it. Anyone who doesn't buy that is a "conspiracy theorist." These "conspiracy theorists" range from being rather "extreme" to very professional individuals that back their data with intelligently researched facts.

When examined closely, the government theory has plenty of holes in it. So the government theory too can be classified, according to Bernie, as just another layer of "bullshit." Someday we may learn who was really responsible for Kennedy's death, and how the assassination was carried out. Then again, we may never get the exact facts. Perhaps, one day an important official could give a death bed confession, or some related government document could be declassified. Until then, all we can do is speculate. Some of these speculative "conspiracy theories" may even be much closer to the truth than the government's. But currently, they are all just layers of "bullshit."

911 Truth Seekers Want the Answers, Now!

As we have seen, in the Kennedy assassination, it has been over 47 years and the official findings still stand. Other official investigations have found that there could have been a conspiracy, and there might have been another shooter, but still concluded that Oswald was the killer.

But what happened on 9/11 involves the citizens' trust in the people running the government. Lately, many of our elected officials have proven themselves to be corrupt and lacking morality, but not murderers. If 9/11 should prove to be an "inside job," trust in our leaders would sink to a new low. So, many of our elected officials believe that 9/11 must remain in the realm of "bullshit" and the "truth" must never be revealed, whatever it may be.

I don't believe that anything would change if there was new 9/11 Investigation. For one thing, after eight years, much of the physical evidence has been destroyed. The new investigation would have to rely on evidence that was "unofficially" obtained. Existing dust and material samples can be disputed as not being authentic. The new investigation would probably be conducted by independent scientists as well as government scientists. So if the independent investigators found that the buildings were taken down with the aid of nano-thermite, the government investigators would "debunk" their findings using complex math and other unique forms of logic. In the end, since the government has more media support, the new official findings would just echo a similar "truth" that is being embraced by the government today. Any other "truth" would be called a "conspiracy theory."

Many "conspiracy theories" implicate the CIA in the Kennedy assassination, and over 47 years later, we still don't know the extent of their involvement. Because of the importance of the events of 9/11, do you really think that any government agency would ever admit to contributing to this massive destruction just to initiate a profitable "war on terror?"

The Implications of the "LaPlante Principle."

The "Laplante Principle" calls all these versions of "truth," including the government version, a layer of "bullshit." So what are truth seekers to do? Here again Bernie gives us the answer as he further instructs his son:

"And what you do in life like when you get older is, you pick the layer of bullshit that you prefer and that's your bullshit."

So then, at least until the real truth is revealed, we must choose which layer of "bullshit" we believe the most and make that our personal "bullshit."

When Bernie spoke his famous words, he meant that everyone has their own way of expressing truth. We, as truth seekers, in case of controversy, must always be cautious when we pick who to believe. That implies that we should always act as individuals, not as media conditioned zombies, believing only the "bullshit" dished out by the government and corporate controlled media.

What tends to confuse us is that today's media don't always lie. In the case of news that doesn't involve the government or big corporations, they'll usually report it factually. But as soon as the story involves wealthy industries or government agencies, they tend to report the "official" position even if it's a lie.

You can't always trust the other side either. In today's greed driven environment, "conspiracy theories" sell. People can make a decent living giving lectures and selling books, DVDs, and tee-shirts based on their version of the "truth." Some sell these things because it finances the movement and helps get the word out. Others see "conspiracy marketing" as another way of getting rich quick, and are willing to sell any "truth" as long as they could profit from it.

If you want to get close to the truth, pick your "bullshit" carefully. Study as many versions of the "truth" as you can, including the opposition. It's all right to be undecided. You might be undecided one month, and the next, new evidence pops up that reinforces a specific layer of "bullshit."


The main thing, is that the system wants to mold us into conformity through media propaganda. Once we accept everything they say, without question, we are allowing ourselves to be controlled by the rich and powerful the ones I call corporate aliens. They are conditioning our environment to their needs whether we like it or not. The "Laplante Principle" helps us be aware and resist their conditioning by reminding us that "there ain't no truth, all there is is bullshit."