Bush Won the War and He Doesn"t Even Know It

In a twist of fate worthy of a Perry Mason episode, the President of the United States truly has accomplished his mission. He has ascertained beyond a scintilla of a doubt, that Iraq has absolutely no weapons of mass destruction.

In Gulf War 1, George Bush Sr. on the advice of General Colin Powell did not march on to Baghdad because they knew that they could not control the country, just as the mighty Soviet Union could not control Pops, aka Poppy aka Puff Daddy aka P. Diddy Afghanistan. When the Russians invaded Afghanistan, the United States hired Osama Bin Laden and the Bin Laden family to boot them out, which they succeeded in doing. In return, the Bin Laden family financed the oil company of George Bush Jr.

In 1941 or thereabouts Japan invade Pearl Harbor. The oysters were extremely busy that day praying for the souls of their ghosts. You cannot write fiction as twisted as actual human behavior because you could never suspend the disbelief. Today, 66 years after the WWII, the United States, Britain, Italy, Germany and Japan are best friends. Perhaps there really is hope for a reconciliation between Hilary Duff and Lindsay Lohan. Humans, like prize fighters can only embrace in the ring after they beat each other