Democracy Can Work In The Middle East

The Middle East is the heart of the world. When we think of the Middle East we think of where the world all began and where all the different relgions evolved from. The Countries of the Middle East are filled with ancient history and artifacts it's where The Hinduisms' Veda, The Muslims' Koran, The Christians' Bible and the Jews' Torah all came from. It should be the most peaceful Holy place on earth but unfortunately it is not. Most of the Middle East is filled with dictatorships and Communist like governments that prevent a large part of the Middle East from enjoying their Freedom and to be able to think for themselves, instead their governments tell them how to think.It is also filled with religious hate caused mostly by the religious radicals and fueled by the Communist input in the dictatorship governments.

When God created man and woman he gave each of them a mind of their own, so they could worship him and think for themselves. But then came along a group of people who decided to create a Communist Governments, where they would control the thoughts of others and not give the people of their country the right to live or think for themselves, they took away their freedoms and used fear,mind control and touture to scare the individuals of their country into submissive behavior, so they would be too afraid to over throw their governments and create a Democracy. Three countries come to mind where I believe highly intelligent people have allowed their governments to control their lives and take away their Freedoms, they are China, Iran and Cuba. Most of the people that live in these dictatorship communist countries chose to run rather then fight, they move to Europe, Canada and the USA to enjoy Democracy.

Iraq with the help of the USA has been able to over throw Saddem Hussein and create a Democracy type government. Although President George W. Bush is getting a lot bad feedback from the UN and the rest of the world and his liberal opposition in the US Senate and House in his own country and from the leftwing unsupportive media in the USA. President Bush has created a stepping stone to Democracy for other countries in the Middle East to follow. He has also turned the Iraqie people into a strong nation willing to die for their freedom. Also the American troops and their families continue to make great sacrafices to help Iraq reach Democracy.Many brave American serviceman and women have sacraficed their lives to help the Iraqie people live a life of freedom.

Other countries in the Middle East would benefit greatly from following in the footsteps of Iraq and over throwing their dictatorship communist governments and creating democracy type governments where the people run their own governments not the dictators.

Democracy does work, if you don't believe it look at Canada and the USA they are free countries that have many different races and religions living side by side and living in peace.