Dialogue on Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action Advocate (AAA): I believe in Affirmative Action, because it equalizes the playing ground. If 5% of America is Asian, then in a class room of 20, there should be one asian. If 35% of America is black, then in that same class room, there should be 7 Africans. By putting people of different race into a class room, it offers a diversity, where people can learn to appreciate the differences of each other.

Punkerslut: Are you saying that the greatest aspect of a person's individuality is the color of their skin?

AAA: Well, no...

Punkerslut: It sure sounds like it. You just said that the basis for diversity is a person's race.

AAA: I didn't say that.

Punkerslut: You said that by having different races in a classroom, there would be diversity. I can only conclude that you think diversity is based wholly on skin color. Are you saying that the only important part of a person's character is their race?

AAA: No. A person is much more than their race. They have emotions, like happiness and suffering, and they should be considered for that.

Punkerslut: I agree, and I believe a person should be judged upon their ability, and not upon their race.

AAA: When it comes to the matter of judging, it differs.

Punkerslut: How so?

AAA: Race should be considered as a factor in deciding whether a person is given a job, since the possible Racism of employers and others is also a factor.

Punkerslut: But, in the Supreme Court case of Brown, it was deemed illegal for a school system to have specifically white or black students, because such is Racism. Since Racism has been removed from the school system, do you think that the school administration should go further, and say that all African students will get an additional 10 points, and all Caucasian students receive 10 less points?

AAA: Of course I don't think. That's a ridiculous idea.

Punkerslut: Then why shouldn't employers use a similar strategy? If a white person comes into a job, and is efficient at their ability, and a black person comes in, who is inefficient, should the white person or the black person be hired?

AAA: It depends on the others hired by the employer.

Punkerslut: On their race?

AAA: Precisely.

Punkerslut: But why? That's acting on the very principles of Racism. It is selecting someone for their position based on the color of their skin, and not the efficiency of their abilities.

AAA: Well, if the employer's previous employees are all white, then a black person should be hired.

Punkerslut: Why?

AAA: Because, that way, it's equal.

Punkerslut: Do you suggest that the military discharge at least a quarter of its soldiers?

AAA: Why should it?

Punkerslut: More than half the military soldiers are of African descent, but less than half of the United States population is of the same descent. Should we fire these African soldiers, sending them a note, "I am deeply sorry, but since you are black, you are of no use to us."?

AAA: Well, that's one area where Africans have the upper hand.

Punkerslut: Why not make it equal for all races for all jobs? You are simply reduplicating the conditions of the early 1900's, where Africans had it worse off and where whites had it better off, but instead, you are turning the whites into a persecuted minority.

AAA: Certainly not! Affirmative Action equalizes the field, by having as many whites and blacks in an employment or university, as there are proportional to the amount in the country.

Punkerslut: That doesn't end Racism, but only promotes it. By choosing one person over another, on the basis of their race, that is Racism. But, perhaps it is different. When a white man is chosen because he is white, you call it Racism, and find it to be terrible. But when a black man is chosen because he is black, you call it Affirmative Action, and find it to be justice. I cannot but find this to be a gross contradiction, that any rational thinker will find to be absurd in the highest degree.

AAA: But, in a nation with 35% of the population of African descent, should have 35% of every occupation filled with African descent, and 35% of the seats of every university filled with Africans.

Punkerslut: That's not necessarily true. If 10% of the United States has blue eyes, but in universities, 15% of the student population has blue eyes, should those 5% no matter how brilliant or intelligent they are be expelled and replaced with students of other eye colors?

AAA: No.

Punkerslut: Why not?

AAA: Because nobody discriminates on eye color, only on race.

Punkerslut: Then why not make it illegal to discriminate on race?

AAA: It already is illegal.

Punkerslut: Then what's the point in making it necessary to have a student body or a employee body with races proportionally equal to that of the national average?

AAA: It prevents any possible Racism.

Punkerslut: But, my friend, that is where you and I differ... You call it Racism when a black man is rejected from a job because he is black. I call it Racism when any human being is rejected from a job because of their race. Thus Affirmative Action is Racism.


For Life,