Hidden Power of Papacy: A Well-Kept Secret

The hidden power of the papacy, advanced through its evil Jesuit Order henchmen, is rarely talked about it America.

It's rarely talked about because the media on all levels is firmly controlled by Vatican power, the very evil power destroying this country.

And all those in the media who fail to address this evil power should be called nothing less than traitors, traitors for withholding vital information leading to the destruction of America.

Most journalists, however, whether through compliant ignorance or outright collaboration with the Jesuits, will of course deny the existence of Vatican power. They will deny its existence simply because they are paid to deny it. They are paid traitors working for the enemy and it is simple as that.

For example, have you ever heard Tim Russert, Anderson Cooper, Ted Koppel and others on the major networks ever mention that the Vatican is fully recognized by the U.S. government as a State, not simply a practicing religion.

Have you ever heard any of the talking heads tell how this occurred? Of course not, as this would begin to unravel the ball of corruption linking major political, military and religious officials as having loyalty first to the Rome and the Pope and not to the sovereignty of the United States.

First of all, most Americans have been withheld vital history about the Vatican and Jesuit Order's infiltration and control in America's politics and religions. In fact, if the people knew the full truth, the Jesuits, as well as every single member of Congress, the Executive and the Judicial branches of government would be first labeled traitors and then banished from American soil.

And to illustrate this point it must be remembered how many other countries have expelled the Jesuits for the very same reason, the simple fact being Jesuits mix their Luciferian, fascist agenda with politics, seeking complete loyalty for the Pope and their planned one world government and religion centered in Jerusalem.

To further illustrate the point, in the 1860's patriots wise to the Vatican's real intentions, cut-off all diplomatic relations with the papacy due to the Vatican's known involvement in the Lincoln assassination? And this is just the tip of the ice-berg, as the same thing happened in the JFK assassination.

But does Tim Russert or any of the talking heads bother to make the connection or even bother to inform their listeners about America's stolen history, a history linking Vatican involvement in an attempt to destroy all the freedoms inherent in our Constitution?

Of course not, because if they did, none of them would be seen again on television again, as our media has become nothing but a tool of Jesuit deception, a deception guiding the hands of all our major political and religious institutions, which are all overtly or covertly promoting war and violence at home and abroad.

For those interested in learning how the Vatican is recognized as a State, how it survived a lawsuit filed against it and how this recognition destroys the separation of Church and State in this country, read the following written by Tupper Saussy, as well as some other interesting Vatican tid-bits taken from his book, Rulers of Evil. (see http://rulersofevil.com/)

"Early in his administration, President Ronald Reagan invited the Vatican City, whose ruling head is the Pope, to open its first embassy in Washington, D.C. His Holiness responded positively, and the embassy, or Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See, opened officially on January 10, 1984.

"Shortly thereafter, a complaint was filed against President Reagan at U.S. District Court in Philadelphia by the American Jewish Congress, the Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs, Seventh Day Adventists, the National Council of Churches, the National Association of Evangelicals, and Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

"The plaintiffs sought to have the Court declare that the administration had unconstitutionally granted to the Roman Catholic faith privileges that were being denied to other establishments of religion.

"On May 7, 1985 the suit was thrown out by Chief Judge John Fullam. Judge Fullam ruled that district courts do not have jurisdiction to intervene in "foreign policy decisions" of the executive branch.

"...The plaintiffs appealed. The Third Circuit denied the appeal, noticing that "the Roman Catholic Church's unique position of control over a sovereign territory gives it advantages that other religious organizations do not enjoy." "