There are many who fear that a small, powerful group is intent on conquering the world through deceit and secrecy, and many labels are used to describe them: conspiracy theorists, right-wingers, revolutionaries, traitors, idiots and so on. Their fear is based on bits of facts, gleaned and compiled in their quest for knowledge and understanding.

Today the United States of America stands on a precipice. Capitol Hill reeks of bipartisan bickering and power-mongering. Our Federal and State institutions have accumulated such enormous debts that they teeter on bankruptcy. We need to restore a sense of normalcy, regardless of how we got to this cliff or who's really responsible. If we don't act until we get the whole truth about the meltdown, this cliff may collapse under us.

To achieve the continuity, peace and harmony we desire, and to maintain our sovereignty, we must stand and face the fears that keep us from a future that is not out of our control. The events of the past have swept us to this moment. Will you forfeit your power to control it, as before, or seize it with fervent determination?

The conspiracy theorists are not completely wrong, but much has been withheld from the public by the profiteering elite in power. Don't get me wrong; the theorists have accumulated enough facts to make you see red. Now that the villains have been unmasked-the commercial bankers, the Bildeberg group, members of our Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and numerous corporate elitists-this new series is my attempt to find a common solution that benefits all, not a select few.

DEBT is something owed, an obligation or liability to pay or render something to someone else. The United States' debt is in the form of Treasury bonds, issued as ninety-day, six-month, one-year, and multi-year (5, 7, 10, 30) Treasury instruments.

We, the People are obligated to pay back this debt as Federal and State taxes. This debt requires us to forfeit a portion of our labor, and pay we must or risk incarceration. How did this happen??

We never acted to rein in the power to create this obligation, and were swept along by events over which we forfeited control. We placed our power and our trust in elected representatives who betrayed their fiduciary responsibility by allowing a select few to install a system of slavery.

We did nothing to prevent it. These debt obligations are issued by the U.S. Treasury, our State legislators, and our local elected leaders. We gave them a heap of blank checks and forfeited the right to decide whether such obligations should be heaped upon us.

Our inaction has brought us to this crisis and, sadly, history shows the people never act until they're in a state of desperation. So let's stop complaining and actually FIX IT!

HOW? Unlike the merchants of avarice who believe they're best qualified to decide your future, I believe you should determine your own direction. I wish to give you all the information possible, let you see the road ahead, and choose for yourself.

We must first establish that anyone who supports a debt-based monetary system that benefits an elite few cannot be permitted to hold any elected or appointed office of our government. We must then elect representatives who will put forth legislation to reform the monetary system for the benefit of all-ensuring that (1) no more debt is ever issued without all citizens' complete approval, and (2) until that debt is retired, no additional debt can be heaped upon our shoulders ever again.

Listen to a Senator who's so fed up with Capitol Hill bullshit that he's retiring. According to the Yahoo! News blog, Senator Evan Bayh (D-IN) on Tuesday "declared the American political system 'dysfunctional,' riddled with 'brain-dead partisanship' and permanent campaigning" and that "the American people needed to deliver a 'shock' to Congress by voting incumbents out en masse and replacing them with people interested in reforming the process and governing for the good of the people, rather than deep-pocketed special-interest groups."

WHY IS REFORM NEEDED? We use a private, central-bank corporation, known as the Federal Reserve (the Fed), to issue enough currency into circulation to allow commerce to flow evenly throughout the nation. Today the dollar is the world's currency (money) of choice. There's a reason for this, folks: Our nation can survive without a single import. We posses all the natural resources to feed, house and clothe each and every American citizen. Hell, the only pool of medium in circulation today that's big enough to support the transactions needed for resources used by everyone on the planet, such as oil, is the U.S. dollar.

Our Fed creates money out of thin air, buys the obligation bonds from the Treasury through its New York branch (the New York Fed), and distributes those bonds at a profit to its member banks, who resell them. I buy them; don't you? As long as they keep taxing you, I get paid.

So what happens if we remove the power we granted the Fed in 1913, the right to charge us for OUR money? They'll lose the right to create interest-debt out of thin air. This is the reform we need. Should the Treasury then continue to issue bonds? NO! The Treasury will issue only new legal tender and pay the Fed a quarter-point administration fee for overseeing transactions. The Fed and their member banks will lend depositors' savings to individuals and business as desired. No more usury rates; no more mortgages at 10. Best of all, there'll be no more income taxes! Every business will have a profit increase due to the reduction in payroll taxes. Every worker-that's you and me-will get an automatic pay raise of 10% or more, depending on your tax bracket.

But let's not forget that we're all citizen-consumers. We need boundaries to ensure proper resource utilization, including the availability of necessary services. Our former bankers abused our na