Immigration Reform: When Will It Happen? Will It Happen?

Immigration reform and illegal immigrants have lost the top spots in the news in the past month or so. There is almost no chance of it being taken care of in Congress this year. Wars in the middle east and 10 year old murder cases are all anyone is talking about now.

That may be good news for business owners who need these workers and for the workers who, for the time being at least, are out of the spotlight. But it doesn't mean it isn't still an extremely important problem. There are several different proposals on the board now and none of them are complete solutions.

Building a wall on part of the border with Mexico is too expensive, would destroy the land it goes through and probably would not keep people out anyway. The additional guards on the Arizona border now are keeping some out and are forcing more crossings into California.

Finding and deporting all 12 million people here illegally would be impossible, regardless of what the extremists say. It simply can