Mandate? Not This Election

Any claim by a politician or party of a mandate to rule from this election is clear evidence of having missed the message. The prevailing mantra to move the electorate has become: "We are not them!" where "them" refers to the people in power. Thoughtful citizens however, realize the time for platitudes has passed. We have crossed a threshold, a tipping point that threatens the American way of life. The real message of recent elections is: "It is time for substantive change." Politicians promise change - but alas, change is the one thing the system is unwilling to deliver. Too many powerful people have too much at stake - too much to lose. So the system churns down the path of self destruction.

The disconnect in our modern American democracy - in government - is a weakness the founders recognized and attempted to mitigate. Special interests are a factor in all human relations, and nowhere is the influence of special interests more pervasive than in government. A three part federal system dominated but a representative legislature and balanced by state authority was the means to dilute power. Over the course of two centuries, however, power has steadily become ever more concentrated. The tools, technology and pace of modern life magnify both the rewards of influencing government and the risks imposed by special interests to representative democracy.

From an average citizen's perspective the conflict is primarily between the game of politics and the function of government. Politicians immerse themselves in the sport. They run the numbers, gauge polls, and ultimately leverage funds to win. The focus of an election and the process of legislating is on manipulating a select audience toward desired ends. Those ends are the intentions of special interests. Not that the intentions of all special interests are bad; on the contrary many are noble and worthwhile. The problem is, money has become the predominant incentive - the consummate reward, the coveted prize.

Two elements of value are in play in politics: money and votes. Votes are the means to secure money. Government, specifically the federal government, has assumed a central role in nearly every aspect of American life. More and more the federal government determines where the money flows. Those bright or motivated enough to recognize this choose to follow the money and influence its course. The smart money, the special interests that matter, are powerful benefactors of the state. It is these special interests that control the government and through their collective action have derailed the American dream. We, the people, through our votes, have been party to this travesty.

If America is to survive as the land of the free it must once again become the home of the brave. We must overcome the culture of something for nothing; of privileged opulence - a welfare state. While government was never meant to run the economy it now has the power to, so it must use that power wisely. The short term objectives of the next congress must be to stop the bleeding and stabilize the economy. This means stop channeling the money to captains of industry and titans of finance.

Substantive change will require motivated, selfless leadership and committed, enduring shared sacrifice. We are not in a competition to dominate the world or plunder the earth's bounty. Our mission and our mindset must be about the journey of becoming. We must set our shoulders to the wheel and keep our eyes focused on a vision of prosperity and peace for everyone - not just for those special interests closest to the throne.

A move in a new direction is something we have not seen in generations: corporate leadership intent on adding value not just padding the bottom line; political leadership bent on establishing and maintaining a system of limited government influence empowering the people; and a populace that believes freedom is more valuable than security and that adheres to the moral tenants of a civilization aspiring to greatest. Substantive change will and can only come from the people. Leaving the task to politicians and special interests (read: moneyed elite) will only make a bad situation worse.

Is the crisis real enough to convince the people to act, to sacrifice, to take on the burden a new direction demands? Time will tell. The only mandate this election prescribed is for government to actually work for the greater good. What a novel concept.

Copyright (c) 2010 Scott F Paradis