Being born an Army brat, I was very lucky to have received my American citizenship at birth since I was born in Landstuhl Army Hospital, Kaiserslautern, Germany (known to the Americans as "K Town"). My dad was in the Army, and met my mother in Berlin. She barely spoke any English when he met her, and therefore German was my very first language!
My father received orders for Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, then we got sent back to Germany once again, and were stationed in Schweinfurt, Germany where I went to school until 2nd grade. I remember having a German Tudor that would sit next to me in school 'till I was in 3rd grade to help me be the English speaking expert that I am today! My father retired in New York, and chose to purchase a home in the Ft. Leonard Wood area where I basically grew up. I, in turn became a German Dominant Language Tutor myself after I graduated high school, and helped other children in need for a few years.
Not everybody is lucky enough to have become an American citizen in the way I was, having been born overseas. I'm sure everybody has heard about the Vietnamese immigrant in New York that just took the lives of thirteen people before he killed himself. This is the fifth deadly mass shooting in the U.S. in the past month. 44 people have have lost their lives in the past month's attacks. It's rather apparent that no matter where you are, you are no longer safe in this economically unbalanced world. Just going to the store to do your grocery shopping can turn deadly.
If you have not taken any steps to prepare yourself or your loved ones, now's the time to do so. These people were all just at the wrong place at the wrong time, and this unfortunately is the way things happen. The price of self protection is simply priceless, and something that you bought for a few dollars can save your or your loved one's lives. Check out all our self defense products today.