Politics Needs Enthusiasm, Not Power

We live in a day and age where doing what is right is no longer right. Politicians are now driven by popularity rather than compassion. It has led to a decline in political enthusiasm. Young people have no desire to vote, better yet pay attention to politics in the news.

Every time you near an election year you can taste the bitterness in the air. So where do we go from here? We must bring excitement back into the political arena. We must draw back the claws and move forward. The only way to do this is have love for politics. I see that in certain politicians (Notice I say certain and not most).

To harbor a love for politics is to devoted to those you serve. This is unlike the majority of politicians who aggressive, who are quick to point the finger, and who love power more than service. I believe we have found a politician who speaks his mind rather than does what is popular. We have found a politician who cares for his fellow mankind. We have found a politician who even when others are cautious about his desires still follows through to do what is right.

This politician of whom I speak is not hidden from the media. He is not living in small town America. He is not your neighbor who attends community meetings and PTO's. He is in fact the President of the United States. George Bush has done everything in his power to help those who need help. He has helped liberated more than fifty million people in Afghanistan and Iraq. He has passed the largest education AND medicare bill in our nation's history. This proves his compassion and loyalty to different ethnicities, children, and the elderly. We must unite in order to have this devotion in politics again.

Matthew Davisson, http://www.crazy4politics.com