Vosselaar, 4th January 2006 - First of all, I wish all my readers a very Happy New Year. In the justification for the writing of my book "A Holy Terror", I mention an unavoidable clash between the "Preachers of Love" and the "Preachers of Hate". Everyone knows that I mean Christians and Muslims. Let me be very clear, that this has nothing to do with racism or some form of discrimination. I am convinced, that all human beings, no matter to what race they belong, or what colour they have, are equal, no race is superior to another. On the other hand, there are considerable differences between the civilizations and cultures. Very short, I will try to give some evidence that proves my posing. On my Website: http://www.westernfreedom.com, I will, in the near future, give full proof of the truth of my assertion.
"The Day of Judgment will not begin until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them. behind me, come and kill him!