Solving the Immigration Problem: Dropping Both Entitlements and Xenophobia

For some reason, the mainstream media has been pushing "immigration" as a problem in search of a solution. Why this "smoke and mirrors" issue is being pushed so hard, in light of MORE sweeping legislation being passed by the 111th Congress like the Dodd-Frank Bill, is a bit disconcerting to me. The solution to immigration seems to be a self-evident one; simply allow any foreigner, without a criminal background, that is actively seeking work to stay here.

Now please note, I am advocating freedom of entry and residency, and not "amnesty" or the granting of U.S. citizenship. Anyone working here, that is producing or otherwise contributing to the overall economy should be able to freely.

If we had no welfare state, there would be few valid arguments against opening our borders, assuming the foreign citizens weren't allowed to vote and they didn't have a violent or fraudulent criminal history. However, if foreign citizens are allowed to vote, take food stamps, Social Security, "free" medical care, and "free" education, then there are some very serious conflicts of interest.

Immigration is really a secondary issue. End welfare, Social Security, Medicare, the progressive income tax, the minimum wage, public education and the War on Drugs and you will end the enmity towards immigrants (assuming they aren't violent criminals). Keep those institutions and you create bad incentives.

We are subsidizing illegal immigration with our policies, and as Ron Paul says, "when you subsidize something, you get more of it." Now practically speaking, enforcement of laws dictating the deportation of the 8 to 12 million or so illegals is impossible anyway, but let's looks at some of the commonly raised arguments against immigrants:

1) "Immigrants take advantage of welfare and social services."

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Make them ineligible for benefits, and then continue to phase out these unsustainable benefits for natives as well.

2) "An influx of immigrants can influences entire elections."