The Bitch and the Vague . . .
Well Darlings,
With apologies to Haig & Haig, the oldest distillers of scotch whisky and now a part of Diageo plc, for coming close to using one of their most famous advertising slogans, but lately the message from both fellow politicians and the media appears to be: "Don't be vague, let's bash Hague!" I doubt William Hague could be receiving more criticism and attention were he a rapist, a murderer, or an armed bank robber. But he isn't, is he? All the allegations against him stem from his relationship with a young male adviser. Now, to my mind, whatever that relationship involves, whether it be gay, straight and chummy, or just some companionship when on the road, it should be of little consequence to anyone apart from them and their families. However, it is a sign of the sad times we live in that today everything has to be scrutinised and sanctioned by the media, even the people with whom we spend some of our time - our friends. The media, cap in hand with the politically correct brigad!
e, decides how people should live their lives, and what society must think.
There must be countless people who have shared apartments, houses, and hotel rooms with members of the same sex. I have done it many times, often as a matter of convenience rather than money, and in my case we have not always been of the same sexual orientation - but should that have entitled anyone to automatically suspect our relationship was based on sex? And even if it was, is that any of their business? I have shared holiday flats with straight guys, and not so long ago I had a very young straight guy as a housemate. He was a joy to share with, great company, but never once did anything sexual raise its ugly head. Should his integrity now be in question? Or mine?
Really, the way I see it, all this furore is about "the gay thing". Supposedly, if you believe some, being gay is no longer a drawback. Today we live in a diverse world, gays are now doing okay, and we are all equal. Yeah, right! So name me one case where a gay man's integrity has ever been called into question because he might be straight!
This is gutter press material, the province of the mudslingers and muckrakers, and it's high time they butted out! Both these men seem competent in their jobs, which is all that should concern us, and the fact they get on well, however that might be, is entirely their business and no reason for questioning their employment. People should not have to defend themselves, or their colleagues, just because some idiot enjoys slinging mud around and calling it news. It isn't. It's sensationalism. It hurts people, infringes common decency, and it threatens all of us who enjoy free speech! When there is a proper news story, something with substance, then I want to see it and be able to believe it. Gossip, I suffer. Malicious gossip, I don't want!
The Bitch! (3/09/10)