September 23, 2010 is the start of the overreaching Obamcare fiasco. Now to be fair, many of the things that take effect today are not really bad on the surface. In fact some can be a good thing for people who are actually paying for their insurance.
Remember, however, that you are paying for insurance. Insurance is insurance is insurance be it for your home your car or your health or for anything else you wish to protect yourself from a financial loss.
Health insurance is no different. It is not Health Care. That is what many people don't understand. Your medical doctor is not a part of your health insurance. But your medical doctor is a part of your health care. Although the two go hand in hand they are totally separate.
Lets put it this way, trying to combine health care and health insurance would be like combining your car insurance with your car dealer and car manufacturer. It would not be a good idea and we know why. Mainly because it would not work. Each part of the auto industry may have a lot in common, for sure, but they are totally separate and have significant differences.
The car manufacturer makes the car you want to buy. The car dealer sells you the car you want to buy. The car insurer protects you from a financial loss involving the car you just bought. But your car dealer is in no way involved with your car insurer.
With health care and health insurance, the Obama administration would have you believe that the two are the same. There are small and few exceptions in cases where the insurer is actually a health clinic. One of the new provisions of the law is that you will get