The Killer For Our Country

Several years ago Gillette relocated their manufacturing to China because the cost of labor over there is so much less. They are also the makers of Duracell. Because of this thousands of US workers lost their source of income. Wal-Mart has been buying factories in china because they are figuring that their cost will go down and yet their profits will rise. When their suppliers get wind of this it will be like when Vidal Sassoon started letting sachem sell their product, no body else wanted to carry it after that. Outsourcing is going to be the number one killer of the economy in the US.

There has been a lot of talk about the immigration problems over hear and how we need to strengthen our Border security but if the cost for labor over hear were the same as everywhere else then we would not have the problems of immigrants. The reason everybody wants to come to America is because of the higher wages. I once lived in Jaurez Mexico in a great apartment that only cost me $12 per month. Now I am paying almost $900 per month for my current residence.

One of the great things I have found out about a lot of the other countries is when you retire you make the same as your last job not like America where you work your whole life to retire on a small percentage in poverty. The reason immigrants do so well over here is because they take the jobs that us Americans don't want. They then a lot of times eventually create a business from these what we call garbage jobs.

Here in the US we take too much for granted. If our air conditioning goes on the fritz we cry bloody murder where as in a country like India I'm sure that air conditioning is a luxury that they usually do without. Look at the selection of food that is available to us yet we will always find something to complain about. My brother is moving back out of this country because he has lived both in the US and abroad and he has decided that things are not a great over here. Sure he had to pay more of his income in taxes but as he has always said everything was taken care of for him and his family.

Instead of imposing all these penalties on immigrant workers we should penalize the companies that decide to move their operations to these third world countries. They are still keeping their corporations over here so we need to fine them if they move their production over to countries like China and India. We need to provide for our citizens not create jobs elsewhere.

I Think Gene Rodenberry was an unknown messiah because if we would follow the story of Star Trek and model our ethics, philosophies and everything else like Star Trek then we would be so much more wealthy at least spiritually. Eliminating poverty, greed, and war. How can we ever expect to meet visitors from another planet if there is so much fighting here on our planet. We have come so far over the last 100 years but we still have so much farther to go.