The Leo Wanta Saga, Pt. 34: Wanta Dealing With Austria Now For Release of Trillions. What Happened to the American People?

According to Michael C. Cottrell, treasurer of the company formed by Ambassador Leo Wanta to distribute $4.5 trillion in repatriated off shore money, the Vatican is not involved in the behind the scenes shenanigans of blocking the release of the money.

But Eric Jon Phelps, author of Vatican Assassins, strongly disagrees. Phelps claims after researching the story and watching the story mature, every "sign and signal" in the story leads him to believe the Vatican is working hard behind the scenes to control Wanta and working "overtime, in fact, never to release one penny for the betterment of the American economy."

And Phelps accusations need to be taken seriously because ever since the Arctic Beacon started questioning Vatican involvement in the Wanta story, the publication's editor has been the subject of threats, harassment and CIA surveillance.

"Why would Wanta ever allow the money to be put into a Bank of America account or a Citibank account since the BOA is controlled by the Jesuits and Citibank is under Knights of Malta control.," said Phelps regarding the transfer of the $4.5 trillion in June. "Why did he ever allow the money to be transferred into the hands of a third party when he supposedly has control of the money as legal trustor."

In fact, the Arctic Beacon recently asked the same question publicly, as legally Wanta was declared trustor of more than $27.5 trillion with supposed signatory power over the money spread in hundreds of foreign banks. Further, if Wanta is legal trustor, asked many readers, why does he have to enter into an agreement with the U.S government in the first place?

But instead of Wanta putting the money in his account after reaching a deal to repatriate $4.5 trillion, the money was transferred into a third party BOA and Citibank account, where then, according to Wanta and Cottrell, the Bush administration has illegally blocked the transfer, using the money in a nefarious manner to reap monetary benefits while usurping Wanta and the American people's legal right to the money.

"You have to question the Vatican involvement here," added Phelps. "They want to bring this country to its knees and never would they allow this much money back into the economy since we know they have control of our banking system through the CFR and control over the Federal Reserve."

Besides the Vatican being questioned as the real behind the scenes controllers of this story, Wanta has been at odds with the powers that be ever since he was declared legal trustor of more than $27.5 trillion accumulated as a result of his financial efforts on behalf of President Ronald Reagan to destabilize the Russian currency at the end of the Cold War.

Furthermore, Wanta was jailed for the better part of a decade for trying to return trillions to the American people, as Reagan had dictated, but later was backstabbed by the following three presidential administrations who instead wanted to illegally pocket the money for their own personal use, according to Wanta.

Previously, Wanta came forward with these allegations, presenting documentation of more $745 billion in misdirected and stolen money, attributing the thievery to those occupying the White House after Reagan left office.

Upon his release about a year and a half ago from a Wisconsin state prison, Wanta set out on a financial quest to repatriate the money according to Reagan's directives, in May entering into a negotiated settlement with the powers that be to return $4.5 trillion for the benefit of the U.S. economy.

Phelps added that it's hard to tell what Wanta's real role is in the story, but said either he is being used as a patsy or that the Vatican is in firm control of the entire series of events with the ultimate goal to "agitate the people and destabilize the economy" by creating a smokescreen while the powers that be continue stealing trillions of off shore money.

Although Phelps would like to believe Wanta's version of events, he added the "whole scenario" looks like a "Jesuit operation" to create confusion while further debasing the American government and bringing down the economy.

"You have to remember that the Jesuits and the Vatican control the New World Order and their goal is to destroy freedom and the American economy," added Phelps. "They will never allow anything good to happen and will release trillions into the economy."

On a recent radio show on a Christian station, Phelps said the reason the Arctic Beacon editor became the target of a stepped-up harassment campaign was because he began questioning Vatican and Jesuit control of the story. Szymanski also appeared on the show in order to leave a public record of the strange series of events, leading him to go public for protection and/or protection of Wanta, who has gone into hiding.

Until recently, Wanta has always "gone public" with his accusations and financial details about the repatriation settlement, but of late has been hiding away and staying out of the public eye, citing security reasons.

And it wasn't until last week, after the Vatican involvement was questioned and a strange sequence of events occurred involving the whole Wanta story, that finally prompted the Arctic Beacon editor to "go public" in an effort to protect his future, the future of his family and/or the safety of Ambassador Wanta.

As detailed in a recent article, Here is an update of the sequence of strange events that occurred:

According to principals close to the story, Wanta is keeping out of sight and a very low profile, fearing for his safety as the release of the money may only be days away.

According to Cottrell if the money isn't released in the next few days, he is prepared to go public again on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal on the Genesis Communications Radio Network at

The editor also told his story Saturday on a Christian radio network in order that the harassment and threats be immediately chronicled publicly, as and added measure of safety and protection for the parties involved. Here is the sequence of events as they occurred:

Commenting on the story further, Phelps said it looks like the powers that be want to create further world wide financial confusion by spreading the Wanta story. He added that if the money was released, he might think differently, but it appears the purpose is to spread endless confusion and further deflate the American economy.

Phelps' point is well-taken as many readers have commented that the story appears to spiraling "out of control with no end in sight." Furthermore, with each passing day the story gets stranger and stranger, creating world wide financial confusion while never ever getting close to really helping the American people.

"That's the Jesuit strategy," added Phelps. "This story looks like a perfect Jesuit tactic to agitate the people while reaching their goal of debasing the U.S. government around the world and destroying the economy. There is a very good chance they have been using this publication as a patsy, but once you called them on it, they realized you were on to them and that is when the harassment began, The Arctic Beacon has always stood for the truth and I applaud your efforts at having the courage to tell this story and try to get to the bottom of it while, at the same time, exposing that trillions of dollars have been stolen from the American people."

To illustrate the continued confusion being fueled here and abroad, Christopher Story, editor of the International Currency Review, one of the few journalists writing about Wanta, printed a story today, leaving the Arctic Beacon's tongue hanging out and wondering:

"Who's who and what is really happening behind the scenes of the "$27.5 trillion dollar man story?"

This publication thinks the Wanta story is spiraling out of control with no clear end in sight and no clear benefit to the American economy. The only benefit, however, is that the truth will one day be told and at least we understand how many trillions have been stolen from the American people.

The International Currency Review claims that Leo Wanta will offer his trillions to the Austrian government. Wanta was ordered by the White House to go and live in Austria, from where he conducted extensive international intelligence operations in the 1980s and early 1990s on behalf of the US Government. The forthcoming double issue of International Currency Review: Volume 31, Numbers 3 and 4. Consisting of 480 pages, will contain massive documentation verifying the accuracy and integrity of all facts and issues published to date, and will expose extensive details of the bank accounts, corporations and banking coordinates owned by Ambassador Wanta, thus revealing many of the institutions holding his assets, and the relevant accounts from which the full $27.5+ trillion plus accruals, will be called.
